Impact of Modified Game Based Activities in Motor Control and Functional Outcome of Stroke Patients

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Stroke is one of the most common causes of physical disability, and early, intensive, and repetitive rehabilitation exercises are crucial to the recovery of stroke survivors. Thus, to motivate stroke survivors to engage in monotonous rehabilitation is a significant issue in the therapy process. Gamebased rehabilitation systems have the potential to encourage patients continuing rehabilitation exercises The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of modified game based activity that improve, motor performance in stroke survivors and increased automatic learning pattern to enhance motor control. This study was conducted at Sindh Institute of physical medicine and rehabilitation DOW University of health sciences. 15 patients those included were diagnosed as stroke through randomized control trial; patients having muscle grade 3, aged between 20-50, acute cases were included .All patients received conventional therapy and additional game based activities 4 days a week. Sports based therapy included Basket Ball, Balloon Bounce, Volley Ball, Cricket, and Football .These 5 activities covered with warm up and cool down exercises. Pre and post assessment is done by Fugal Mayer and Chadock scale. There is significant difference in baseline pre and post assessment of fugal Mayer and CAHAI scoring Wilcoxon signed rank test was performed. Value of p<0.05 In fugal Mayer A Wilcoxon Signed-Ranks Test indicated that posttest score was significantly higher than pretest Z = -3.413, p < .001 total measure of upper extremity and lower extremity. Modified sports can turn the rehabilitation exercises more appealing and provide innate motivation to individual.

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