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My talk gives a humorous but provocative prod in the back to all us ladies out there who are still imagining that they are not good enough to do what men attempt do without batting an eyelid, and without questioning their competency or legitimacy, whereas we spend hours worrying about ours ! Once woman learn that they have fantastic skills, are totally competent, and can succeed just as well, if not better than men, then our planet will certainly change for the better. During this talk I aim to change mentalities by asking the right questions, telling my own story, propose solutions, and .. share my affection and respect for my own sex. Learning objectives : 1. How to stop procrastinating 2. How to replace Imposter syndrome with Badassery 3. How to stop self-sabotage and instead build a cast iron success strategy MATERIALS AND METHODS: I do not use slides… I am very comfortable on stage, able to establish a dialogue and consequently my talk often stands out – if the majority of other speakers are using Power Point supports.

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