Anne-Catrin Adam*

Department of social , Queen's University, Canada

*Corresponding Author:
Anne-Catrin Adam
Department of social , Queen's University,Canada

Received Date: August 20, 2021; Accepted Date: November 15, 2021; Published Date: November 25, 2021

Citation: Adam AC (2021) Heart disease. J Health Hyg. Vol: 5 No: 4.

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Heart disease describes a variety of conditions that affect your heart. Heart diseases include: vessel disease, like arterial coronary disease. Heart rhythm problems (arrhythmias) Heart defects you're born with (congenital heart defects). Heart disease is that the leading explanation for death within the us , consistent with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)Trusted Source. In the us , 1 in every 4 deaths in is that the results of a heart condition . That’s about 610,000 people that die from the condition annually .

Heart disease doesn’t discriminate. It’s the leading explanation for death for several populations, including White race , Hispanics, and Black people. Almost half Americans are in danger for heart condition , and therefore the numbers are rising.



An arrhythmia may be a cardiac rhythm abnormality.


Atherosclerosis is a hardening of the arteries.


This condition causes the heart’s muscles to harden or grow weak.

Congenital heart defects

Congenital heart defects are heart irregularities that are present at birth.

Coronary artery disease (CAD).-CAD is caused by the buildup of plaque within the heart’s arteries. It’s sometimes called ischemic heart disease.

Heart infections

Heart infections could also be caused by bacteria, viruses, or parasites.


The symptoms of heart condition depend upon the precise A person has. Also, some heart conditions cause no symptoms in the least.

That said, the subsequent symptoms may indicate a heart problem

• angina, or chest pain

• difficulty breathing

• fatigue and lightheadedness

• swelling due to fluid retention, or edema

In children, the symptoms of a congenital heart defect may include cyanosis, or a blue tinge to the skin, and an inability to exercise.

Some signs and symptoms that would indicate attack include

• chest pain

• breathlessness

• heart palpitations

• nausea

• stomach pain

• sweating

• arm, jaw, back, or leg pain

• a choking sensation

• swollen ankles

• fatigue

• an irregular heartbeat

Heart attack can cause a systole , which is when the guts stops and therefore the body can’t function. A person needs immediate medical attention if they need any symptoms of attack .

How is heart disease diagnosed

Noninvasive tests

A variety of noninvasive tests could also be wont to diagnose heart condition .

Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG)

This test can monitor your heart’s electrical activity and help your doctor spot any irregularities.


This ultrasound test can give your doctor an in depth picture of your heart’s structure.

Stress test

This exam is performed while you complete a strenuous activity, like walking, running, or riding a stationary bike. During the test, your doctor can monitor your heart’s activity in response to changes in workout .

Carotid ultrasound

To get an in depth ultrasound of your carotid arteries, your doctor may order this ultrasound test.

Holter monitor

Your doctor may ask you to wear this pulse monitor for twenty-four to 48 hours. It allows them to urge an extended view of your heart’s activity.

Tilt table test

If you’ve recently experienced fainting or lightheadedness when standing up or sitting down, your doctor may order this test. During it, you’re strapped to a table and slowly raised or lowered while they monitor your pulse , vital sign , and oxygen levels.

CT scan

This imaging test gives your doctor a highly-detailed X-ray image of your heart.

Heart MRI

Like a CT scan, a heart MRI can provide a really detailed image of your heart and blood vessels.

Invasive tests

If a physical exam, blood tests, and noninvasive tests aren’t conclusive, your doctor might want to seem inside your body to work out what’s causing any unusual symptoms. Invasive tests may include:

Cardiac catheterization and coronary angiography. Your doctor may insert a catheter into your heart through the groin and arteries. The catheter will help them perform tests involving the guts and blood vessels. Once this catheter is in your heart, your doctor can perform a coronary angiography. During a coronary angiography, a dye is injected into the fragile arteries and capillaries surrounding the guts . The dye helps produce a highly detailed X-ray image.

Electrophysiology study. During this test, your doctor may attach electrodes to your heart through a catheter. When the electrodes are in situ , your doctor can send electric pulses through and record how the guts responds.


Treatment for heart condition largely depends on the sort of heart condition you've got also as how far it's advanced. For example, if you've got a heart infection, your doctor is probably going to prescribe an antibiotic.

If you've got plaque buildup, they'll take a two-pronged approach: prescribe a medicine which will help lower your risk for extra plaque buildup and appearance to assist you adopt healthy lifestyle changes.

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