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Abstract Trycho phyton usually causes a superficial skin infection affecting outer most layer of epidermis, stratum corneum .In immune compromised patient’s deeper invasion to the dermis with systemic infection and multi organ failure may occur. Case-Report: We report a case of 32 yr. old male who presented to our ER with one week history of circumscribed lesions all over the body complicated with super imposed secondary bacterial infection, left upper limb cellulitis and abscess leading to septic shock and multi organ failure. He had a history of similar lesions over the body on and off for the last 6 years for which he took local treatment. He had a history of steroid abuse mainly through IV and IM route. Direct microscopy with 10% KOH showed Long Branch like tubular structures called hyphae confirmed fungal infection (Dermatophytosis). This patient was treated with empirical antibiotics, oral Itraconazole and other supportive medications. Patient responded well to the treatment. Conclusion: Disseminated Dermatophytosis should be considered as a differential diagnosis whenever an immune compromised individual presents with a diffuse skin lesions and superimposed bacterial infection and abscess. Literature reviews and similar case reports will be discussed in detail.

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