Facial detection and recognition in social networks (Images, videos)


Face recognition has become more significant and relevant in recent years owing to it potential applications. Since the faces are highly dynamic and pose more issues and challenges to solve, researchers in the domain of pattern recognition, computer vision and artificial intelligence have proposed many solutions to reduce such difficulties so as to improve the robustness and recognition accuracy.
Face recognition system is proposed based on appearance-based features that focus on the entire face image rather than local facial features. The first step in face recognition system is face detection. Viola-Jones face detection method that capable of processing images extremely while achieving high detection rates is used. This method has the most impact in the 2000’s and known as the first object detection framework to provide relevant object detection that can run in real time. Feature extraction and dimension reduction method will be applied after face detection. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) method is widely used in pattern recognition. Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) method that used to overcome drawback the PCA has been successfully applied to face recognition. It is achieved by projecting the image onto the Eigenface space by PCA after that implementing pure LDA over it. For the classification phase, there are machine learning algorithms to classify the features extracted from PCA or LDA. And for the deep learning approach, there are convolutional neural networks (CNN) that have been used the most for feature extraction and image classification.

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