Facet Joint Injection for chronic low back pain.

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Introduction: Lumbar facet joints have been implicated in chronic low back pain (LBP) in up to 45% of patients with LBP. Facet joint pain (FJP) diagnosis and management are always challenging for pain physicians. FJP is not diagnosed by specific demographic features, pain characteristics, or physical findings, despite the electro diagnostic studies and imaging modalities being available. Although comparative local anesthetics or placebo saline injections can be used, diagnostic blocks are the only reliable diagnostic measures according to the current literature. Methodology: A randomized, controlled clinical trial was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of lumbar facet joint injections. A total of 229 participants were enrolled to receive facet injections with bupivacaine and steroid, medial branch blocks, or saline. Result: The results of this study showed that facet joint injections had little long-term therapeutic utility and further research studies are needed.
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