Experimental Demonstration of a Quantum Computer's Dominance

Aiden Pierce*

Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, China

*Corresponding Author:
Aiden Pierce
Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, China
E-mail: Pierce_A@Zed.Cn

Received date: August 31, 2022, Manuscript No. IJIRCCE-22-15162; Editor assigned date: September 02, 2022, PreQC No. IJIRCCE-22-15162 (PQ); Reviewed date: September 13, 2022, QC No. IJIRCCE-22-15162; Revised date: September 23, 2022, Manuscript No. IJIRCCE-22-15162 (R); Published date: September 30, 2022, DOI: 10.36648/ijircce.7.7.85.

Citation: Pierce A (2022) Experimental Demonstration of a Quantum Computer's Dominance. Int J Inn Res Compu Commun Eng Vol.7 No.7: 85.


There are a few models of quantum calculation with the most broadly utilized being quantum circuits. The quantum turing machine, quantum annealing, and adiabatic quantum computation are three additional models. The quantum bit, or "qubit," which is somewhat analogous to the bit in classical computation, serves as the foundation for the majority of models .A qubit can be in a superposition of the states 1 and 0 or in either the 1 or 0 quantum states. However, when measured, it is always either the quantum state of the qubit immediately prior to measurement determines the likelihood of either outcome. Continuous variable quantum computation is one model that does not make use of qubits.

Quantum Complexity

Technologies like transom’s ion traps, and topological quantum computers are the primary focus of efforts to create high-quality qubits for a physical quantum compute 2–13 quantum logic gates, quantum annealing, or adiabatic quantum computation may be utilized in the design of these qubits, depending on the computing model of the complete quantum computer. Quantum computers that are practical are currently hampered by a number of significant obstacles. Due to their quantum coherence, maintaining qubits' quantum states are particularly challenging .Error correction is therefore necessary for quantum computers.

A quantum computer can solve any computational problem that can be solved by a classical computer. In contrast, if enough time is given, any problem that can be solved by a quantum computer can also be solved by a classical computer, at least theoretically. In other words, the church turning thesis is followed by quantum computers. This indicates that quantum algorithms for certain problems have significantly lower time complexities than corresponding known classical algorithms, despite the fact that quantum computers do not offer any additional advantages over classical computers in terms of computability." Quantum supremacy" refers to the fact that quantum computers are believed to be able to quickly solve problems that no classical computer could in any reasonable amount of time. Quantum complexity theory is the study of problems' computational complexity in relation to quantum computers.

The coherent manipulation of spins in nanostructures is the genesis of remarkable new information processing technologies like quantum computing and quantum communication. Our theoretical proposal for making quantum-confined nanostructured electron spins into qubits is reviewed. We discuss the possibility of coupling spins in quantum dots through exchange or super exchange and present single- and two-qubit gate mechanisms for lateral and vertically coupled quantum dots. In addition, we propose a brand-new stationary wave switch that makes it possible to carry out quantum operations using spin molecules or quantum dots embedded in a 1D or 2D lattice.

Universal Quantum Computation

A model of how to construct a computer is a quantum computer. The concept is that certain concepts from quantum mechanics, like superposition and entanglement, can be applied to data operations by quantum computers. The quantum Turing machine, also known as the universal quantum computer, is a theoretical model of quantum computation, which is based on the premise that quantum properties can be utilized to represent data and carry out operations on it.

Quantum computing is still a relatively new concept. There has been an experiment. In these, a tiny number of tasks were finished on qubits. Quantum computing research is supported by numerous national government and military funding agencies to develop quantum computers for both civilian and military purposes, such as cryptanalysis or code breaking. This includes both practical (meaning in the real world) and theoretical meaning just thinking research.

Information is stored in binary on the "classical" computers of today Every bit can be on or off. Qubits are used in quantum computation, and they can be either on or off, which is a way to describe superposition, until a measurement is taken on a standard computer, the state of a piece of data is known with certainty; however, in quantum computation, probabilities are used. Despite the invention of larger designs, quantum computers have only been constructed in very basic configurations. Quantum calculation utilizes an exceptional sort of physical science, quantum physical science.

Some problems, like Shor's algorithm, will be solved much faster by large-scale quantum computers than by any computer currently in use. In contrast to DNA computers and transistor-based conventional computers, quantum computers are unique the classical superposition of electromagnetic waves may be utilized in some computing architectures, such as optical computers People believe that an exponential advantage over conventional computers cannot be achieved without quantum mechanical resources like entanglement. In other words, quantum computers do not change the Church-Turing thesis because they are unable to perform tasks that classical computers theoretically cannot. However, they would be able to complete many tasks much more quickly and effectively a no-go theorem, the Eastin Knill theorem states In other words, no quantum error correcting code can transversely implement a universal gate set because it cannot have continuous symmetry that acts transversely on physical qubits. Quantum error correcting codes are used to correct errors that affect information due to DE coherence because quantum computers are inherently noisy In order to operate gates on the qubits, decoding data that has been corrected for errors results in errors. This is avoided by using gates on encoded data in fault-tolerant quantum computation. Transversal gates, which ensure that errors do not spread uncontrollably throughout the computation by pairing up the physical qubits of each encoded qubit (a "code block") and performing independent gates on each pair, can be utilized for fault tolerant but not universal quantum computation. These gates perform a gate between two "logical" qubits, each of which is encoded in N "physical qubits." This is because, when an error occurs, transversal gates ensure that each qubit in a code block is only acted on by one physical gate and that each code block is corrected independently. A universal set like gates cannot be implemented transversally because of the Eastin Knill theorem. For instance, fault-tolerant quantum computation necessitates a means of evading Eastin Knill in order to implement the T gate transversely in the Steane code. The Eastin Knill theorem can be used to study fault-tolerant quantum computation, as well as quantum gravity through the AdS/CFT correspondence and many-body theory or quantum reference frame in condensed matter physics.

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