Effect of Stretching Programme of Hamstring Muscles on Low Back Pain among Surgeons.

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Background:Hamstring Muscles (HM) tightness one of the most common problem which facing Many people. The hamstrings run through the back of each thigh. motion in the pelvis is limited by Tightness in this muscle and also can increase stress across back and corrupt correct posture which may develop the onset of knee or back pain. Hamstring stretching exercises are a necessary part of training in any sport and are useful in the maintenance of good posture. I observe after treating of many surgeons in our hospital a relation between tightness of HM and back pain especially after OT work. Methods: Ten participants from different surgical departments (plastic surgery department, orthopaedic Dept. etc.) were asked to do Hamstring Muscle Tightness test. They were chosen from AlQassimi hospital, Sharjah, UAE. They were assigned to one group and practiced a program of Stretching Program of Hamstring Muscles daily for 2 weeks. All participants had been evaluated to measure Hamstring Muscle Tightness test and all participants with positive Hamstring Muscle Tightness test were enrolled in this study. All participants were asked to do Visual analogue scale test. All data were registered in data collection sheets. All measurements were done before and after the study program. Results: After completion of the study, a significant improvement was observed in in measurement of back pain on visual analogue. scale (P < 0.05), when compared to pre-program measurement. Conclusion: Stretching exercises Program of Hamstring Muscles could improve Low Back Pain among Surgeon in Operation Theatre. Stretching Program of Hamstring Muscles is good methods that improve Low Back Pain among Surgeon.

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