Sebastian Baumeister*
1Department of Health Services Research in Dentistry, University of Munster Schweitzer, Munster, Germany
Received Date: June 01, 2021; Accepted Date: June 16, 2021; Published Date: June 23, 2021
Journal of Lung is an open-access journal and peer-reviewed journal. The scope of the journal is related to lung research and this journal also publish articles related to the scope of Bronchitis, Interstitial lung disease, Asthma, Lung cancer, lungs Function, pneumonia, respiratory tract Infections, alveolar abnormalities, occupational lung diseases, lymphatic of the lung, pulmonary enema, lungs biology, cystic fibrosis, Pulmonary Hypertension, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, acute respiratory distress syndrome, Lung Pathology, Tuberculosis, Lung Transplantation.
Journal of Lung is an open access journal and peer reviewed journal. The scope of the journal is related to lung research and this journal also publish articles related to the scope of Bronchitis, Interstitial lung disease, Asthma, Lung cancer, lungs Function, pneumonia, respiratory tract Infections, alveolar abnormalities, occupational lung diseases, lymphatic of lung, pulmonary enema, lungs biology, cystic fibrosis, Pulmonary Hypertension, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Acute respiratory distress syndrome, Lung Pathology, Tuberculosis, Lung Transplantation.
Journal of lung mainly publishes research articles, case reports, review articles, short communications, image articles, Mini reviews, commentaries, letter to the editor, perspective. As the journal is Open Access and after acceptance, that article will be available online for global readers and researchers, they can view and download that article and there are no colour figure charges. The manuscript must be approved by the editorial board members and reviewers before publishing it online so here we are going to discuss some important responsibility of editors and reviewers of our journal. In the editorial board of Journal of Lung there are several editors and all are related to various global regions. Editorial board individuals should follow in the direction given by the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal. When the preliminary quality check is finished each article will be allocated with an Editor and if the article is related to specialization of Editor, it is estimated that allocated Editor will take up the task at a soonest conceivable time. Assuming the editor wants to deny the task because of some reason, that should intimate to the Editorial Office as soon as possible When a special issue proposal is submitted to the journal of the lung, the allotted Editorial Board person should check the proposal for suitability with the extent of the journal. EB members might suggest for the current topics and advise potential guest Editors related to scope, significance and importance of the subject.
Editors should be present at the Editorial Board conferences or meetings infrequently planned by the Editorial Office for taking part in the conversation for the improvement of the Journal. Editors should be agreed with the rules and protocols given by the publishing house. As the journal is following the peer review process which is important before publishing article online. The journal is having reviewers from several countries. Most significant elements that should be considered while assigning reviewer for an article should be an area of expertise must match with the article. Adequate timelines should be given to the reviewers to review an article, at the same time, as the publisher follows a rapid peer review process; respective reviewers should understand the speed of the review. After accepting the reviewer assignment the respective reviewer should not share any data related to article to anyone. Reviewers should maintain the confidentiality of publication. While composing your report, keep the essential sections of articles in mind. It should not be very long; concise and to-thepoint reports are preferred. Indicating and coordinating with the article with standard of the journal is must.
Authors can submit their article in journal website by using article submission link. If authors required any information related to the journal they can send mail to the journal editorial office and author can also contact through twitter.