Do World Nations Have a Solid Grip to Smash the COVID-19 Pandemic?

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The era of the coronavirus pandemic has proven to be one of the most consequential and life-turning event in modern human history. Until recently, the human race had to deal with epidemics like Ebola and Swine Flu, which although left a lasting impact on medical sciences and pharmaceutical preparations and forced us to revise our action response plans to coordinate a multi-level functional and coordinated response, the current pandemic has clearly failed all these mechanisms built for such a challenging era. The public health systems have been overwhelmed due to lack of preparation and the failure to recognize the severity of the virus on the part of world governments and international organizations.1 A well-coordinated response plan within nations and statistical analysis of the potential of the virus and it’s affects by major organizations tasked with researching such potentially hazardous genomes might have provided an early indication of the severity of the virus. When we talk about communication, lack of coordination amongst nations in enforcing lockdowns and improvising nationwide.

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