Digital Technologies For Medicine: System For Analysis Of Harmful And Toxic Substances

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Digital technologies permit the invention of powerful tools for medicine. In computer sciences, expert systems were invented as models of experts’ behavior in different fields (medicine, biology) based on databases (DBs), and using procedures of logical conclusions and decision making [1]. The purpose of the present work was on the basis of examination of information systems with expert subsystems (their structure, functions, and practical applications), to develop a new expert system for solving practical problems in medicine, laboratory practice, and environmental monitoring. Used methods: comparative research, program, and imitation simulation, based on experimental results of neuronal them activated transmembrane electrical currents recordings in voltage-clamp mode. Such an original expert system was developed with the incorporated interface, detector groups, and DBs. The expert system can automatically distinguish some types of input chemicals, output their characteristics, and report harmfulness on display. Some nowel regularities substance effect was discovered and put in base of this expert system. Nowel methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis of some organic compounds were developed on this base. Information about the specificity and practical value of the developed expert system will be suggested. It can be used for medical purposes, monitoring of toxic and harmful substances in organisms or environments, etc.

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