Diagnosis of Gynaecological Cancer

Ahmed Khairy*

Department of Oncology, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt

*Corresponding Author:
Ahmed Khairy
Department of Oncology
Cairo University
Cairo, Egypt
E-mail: khairy@kasralainy.edu.eg

Received Date: September 03, 2021; Accepted Date: September 17, 2021; Published Date: September 24, 2021

Citation: Khairy A (2021) Diagnosis of Gynaecological Cancer. J Women’s Health Reprod Med Vol.5 No.5:18.

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Cancer occurs when the cells are uncontrollably divided and destroy the body's tissue. When cancer originates in reproductive organs, it is called gynaecological cancer. The gynaecological oncology is the field of study and practice that deals with tumors of the female genital tract.

Gynaecological tumors come with the medical conditions in which cancer cells are developed in the reproductive parts of a woman's body. These include cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, uterine cancer, vaginal cancer and vulvar cancer. There are several symptoms associated with gynaecological tumors. Gynaecological tumors are one of the main causes of death sink in women around the world. Hundreds of thousands of women diagnosed with gynaecological tumors and, therefore, it is important to be aware of the various types of gynaecological tumors.

Uterine cancers can be further divided into endometrial cancers, uterine sarcoma and endometrium stromal tumors. Of these, endometrial cancer is the most common type of uterine cancer and the other two are quite rare. Endometrial cancer is also one of the most treatable. The endometrium cancer is diagnosed enough soon in most cases and, therefore, is treated by a laparoscopic surgery (minimally invasive). All treatment requires only 23 days of stay in the hospital in most cases. Some patients with endometrial carcinoma may require further treatment in the form of radiotherapy or a combination of radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Another very common type of gynaecological cancer is cervical cancer and is one of the main cause of death of women around the world. A large number of women in India are diagnosed with this cancer every year and unfortunately, due to lack of consciousness and lack of deficient cancer detection, most women are diagnosed when cancer has reached advanced stages. Furthermore, a large number of cervical tumors were caused by a HPV infection (Human Papilloma Virus).

Ovarian cancer is another common gynaecological cancer. There are three types of it: epithelial ovarian cancer, germ cell cancer and stromal cell cancer. Of these, epithelial ovarian cancer is the most common that represents about 85% of all ovarian tumors. Tumors of benign epithelial ovaries can be treated by surgery or by chemotherapy. An important point to note on ovarian epithelial tumors is that they are quite aggressive and have a tendency to be repeated at an advanced stage. In such cases, the processing is carried out surgically or through chemotherapy. Germinal cellular cancer, another kind of ovarian cancer, is usually seen in younger individuals and about 95% of these are treatable only in surgery, while other cases may require additional chemotherapy. To treat germ cell cancer in young patients, fertility conservation therapy is generally preferred (saving the other ovary and uterus) for treatment.

The gestational trophoblastic disease is a term used for a group of pregnancy tumors. This type of tumors is also quite rare and even more divided into five types (one benign and four malignant). These tumors usually start in cells that would become placenta during pregnancy. The tumor begins in the cell layers known as trophoblastic surrounding the embryo and is mostly benign. These tumors are highly treated and are treated mainly with chemotherapy. Vulvar cancer is a highly treatable type of gynaecological cancer. In most cases, radical surgery is sufficient for the treatment of vulvar cancer, but some cases can also request chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

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