Developed for Human-Computer Interaction

John M Carroll*

Department of Communication, University of Arizona, Tucson, United States

*Corresponding Author:
John M Carroll
Department of Communication, University of Arizona, Tucson,
United States

Received date: August 24, 2022, Manuscript No. IJIRCCE-22-15158; Editor assigned date: August 26, 2022, PreQC No. IJIRCCE-22-15158 (PQ); Reviewed date: September 06, 2022, QC No. IJIRCCE-22-15158; Revised date: September 16, 2022, Manuscript No. IJIRCCE-22-15158 (R); Published date: September 23, 2022, DOI: 10.36648/ijircce.7.7.82

Citation: Carroll JM (2022) Developed for Human-Computer Interaction. Int J Inn Res Compu Commun Eng Vol.7 No.7: 82.


Computer technology has made it possible to create human like looking and acting virtual agents. When collaborating with a human partner on a decision-making task, the aim of this study was to ascertain whether increased anthropomorphism and rich interface design make computers more influential. Additionally, the connection between the task partner's user experiences, the communication format, and the communication procedure was investigated. Participants in the study were asked to complete the Desert Survival Problem (DSP) once more after discussing each DSP item with their partners and being randomly assigned to one of five different computer partners or a human partner. The findings demonstrated that computers were more influential than human partners, despite the fact that human partners were rated higher than computers on social communication dimensions. According to exploratory user evaluations, an increase in the interface's anthropomorphic features was linked to some aspects of human computer interaction, such as utility and the sense of understanding. The topic of discussion is the connection between user perceptions, design features, and task outcomes.

Human-Computer Interaction

The structural opportunities that interactive situations provide for communicators are an important foundation for both human-computer interaction and HCI. These are characteristics that are inherent or "built into" a particular communication format or mode. Additionally, they are the kinds of properties that can be engineered into a particular communication system to enable interaction. According to St. Amant, affordances are: The properties that exist between an agent and the environment around him or her; potential actions. We begin this section by determining whether computers and humans differ in terms of influence and credibility. Humans have a propensity to attribute human qualities to media, and in some forms of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), computers can exert as much influence as human partners. In addition, if all other factors are equal, it is possible that computers are more influential than human partners because people frequently attribute a sense of infallibility to information presented by computers or through them. A series of planned contrasts within a one-way analysis of variance were used to test our hypotheses and research questions. We used the first two contrasts to evaluate the two research questions.

Contrast 1 contrasts the average of the two FTF conditions with the average of the computer conditions; Contrast 2 contrasts HCI with a "normal" FTF by omitting the Non contingent FTF condition. A report based on a two-day workshop held in August 1996 by the Nation's Information Infrastructure Steering Committee and the National Research Council has been published. The purpose of the workshop was to identify research issues and directions for the development of truly useful human-computer interfaces. Every Citizen Interfaces (ECIs) are the name given to such interfaces (National Research Council, 1996).The following should be the desired characteristics of ECIs, as listed in the report: Easy to comprehend and learn, error tolerant, adaptable, appropriate, and efficient for the task at hand. Implementing such interfaces requires technological advancements. As one of the great needs, the panel suggests research on understanding the issues and needs fundamental to powerful human-machine connection and exploration on estimating the viability of advancements when utilized by people in critical thinking circumstances.

Technological Advancement

Users' interactions with Web resources require a lot of research, but very little has been written about them. The purpose of this study is to observe how Internet users search for factual information. It focuses on differences between people, which may have an impact on interactions. The three main goals of this study are to develop a conceptual framework for studying user web interaction, investigate factors of user web interaction in finding factual information, and to use a process-tracing approach to carry out comprehensive user Web studies.

The lack of methods for collecting data from the real world is one of the main obstacles to studying Web users. Comparing search results to users' questions is not enough to comprehend the highly interactive cognitive process of searching Web resources. The information that was gleaned from the data that was gathered about the steps and ideas that were going through people's minds while they were interacting with the because of the nature of the qualitative approach, researchers must endure lengthy inductive analyses, interpret the results, and carefully re-examine findings. This paper focuses on phenomena and evidence that can be presented by our proposed model in order to report our study as soon as possible; there were 26 respondents who were monitored and 23 respondents who were not. We do not attempt to generalize our findings to predict users' behaviour on the Web. Notably, none of the recorded demographic variables distinguished the monitored and unmonitored groups significantly.

Age, number of hours worked, or length of employment did not differentiate those who were monitored from those who were not. Includes t-values and means. According to Marx et al. in 1990, the gender balance of the groups was approximately 2:1. Depicted an omniscient organization whose Human Resource (HR) systems influenced every aspect of the work lives of employees. Although Orthmann reported that over 66% of companies surveyed by the American Management Association used employee monitoring or surveillance, their vision has not been realized. Although electronic performance monitoring has been the focus of previous research, this issue is less well known than organizational "eavesdropping" on email and web usage. Researchers have not determined whether these newer forms of electronic monitoring differ from those studied in previous research. According to Stanton's review, a lot of research on electronic monitoring in the 1980s and 1990s focused on measuring the performance of easily quantifiable clerical work and, consequently, clerical workers. On the other hand, more recent methods make it easier to monitor a wider variety of work-related activities, some of which might not directly affect performance.

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