Contemporary Healthcare Systems Challenges

Kostadinov R*

Epidemiology and Disaster Medicine Department, Medical University Plovdiv, Bulgaria

Corresponding Author:
Kostadinov R
Epidemiology and Disaster Medicine Department
Medical University Plovdiv Bulgaria
Tel: +359888440807

Received Date: September 05, 2017; Accepted Date: September 12, 2017; Published Date: September 16, 2017

Citation: Kostadinov R. Contemporary Healthcare Systems Challenges. J Health Hyg. Vol.1 No.1:1

Copyright: © 2017 Kostadinov R, This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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Nowadays the world is in constant development due to the processes of industrialization, urbanization and globalization. These processes are increasing the ordinary citizen income, are changing the living environment and multiplying societies’ capabilities to ameliorate and secure the wellbeing of every single man, woman or child. The great scientific discoveries have led to unimaginable development of physics, chemistry, information and communication technologies, mathematics, etc. and have made reality the dreams of a number science-fiction writers. These scientific achievements have broaden the medical art capabilities and capacities to early diagnose and efficiently treat incurable decade ago diseases, thus contributing to the unprecedented life expectancy and population growth.

Notwithstanding the foregoing benefits for the medicine, the contemporary world ongoing development processes create numerous challenges healthcare systems have to solve in order to respond in adequate manner to the population increasing demands for better medical support.

The process of industrialization is leading to urbanization – industrial and financial cities are becoming metropolises with millions of citizens living on limited space. These highly dense populated areas are challenging the healthcare providers – the great number of people requires a huge number of hospitals, medical centers and healthcare providers. The other challenge is how to organize the medical assistance in emergency situation with the traffic congestions within urban areas, nowadays? Increased demand for living space is leading to multistorey type of buildings, not only for office edifices, but also into the residential districts that could become an obstacle during medical evacuation in case of accidental fire somewhere between 25-th and 28-th floors, with cut electricity and no elevators available for reaching the casualties trapped by the fire.

What is more, during the last three decades we have recorded a steady annually increase in both disasters’ frequency and severity that requires specific medical training for medical specialists and healthcare system preparedness for rapid and adequate reaction.

Healthcare providers have to face and the negative consequences of the urbanization and globalization – the immense poverty of the population in the so-called third word and the slum phenomenon in the megapolises, where people are living in hygiene and sanitary condition that are threatening their life and health.

Emerging and reemerging diseases, along with the growing drug resistance, are challenges that are requiring greater and greater attention of the healthcare systems managers.

As mentioned above the growing population is requiring increased number of healthcare providers, but the records are revealing us the gloomy trend – the gap between required and available medics is becoming a real unsolved problem all over the world.

The Journal of Healthcare and Hygiene is providing the open forum for healthcare managers and providers, where they could share with the medical community their observations, analyzes, good practices and approaches into addressing the great variety challenges contemporary medicine have to face.

We welcome all types of manuscripts where the issues of hygiene (intra-hospital, pre-hospital or population) are discussed.

Manuscripts related to the healthcare polices, doctrines and management will support our community efforts for better medical assistance into our complex world.

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