Conference Announcement on Euro Sports Medicine 2021

Hongguan Jiao

Guizhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Guizhou, China, Email:

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We are pleased to welcome you to the "3rd Euro Sports Medicine-Fitness and Physiotherapy". The conference is scheduled to take place in the beautiful city of Paris, France, on July 15-16, 2021. This Euro Sports Medicine 2021conference will provide you with an exemplary research experience and huge ideas.

The perspective of the Euro Sports Medicine 2021 Conference is to set up to help people understand how the Sports medicines used in the treatment techniques have advanced and how the field has developed in recent years.

Complementary and sports medicine tries to prevent and treat different conditions with the following techniques: physical health and alternative sports connected activities therapies have been around for centuries. But do they really work..? There is research to show that some Complementary and alternative sports medicine techniques can help with problems like pain and nausea. But other therapies don't have enough medical evidence to decide if they are effective.

Sports medicine, also known as sports and exercise medicine (SEM), is a branch of medicine that deals with physical fitness and the treatment and prevention of injuries related to sports and exercise.

Health and Medical Tourism (Medical Tourism 2021) It is focusing on “Changing the World by Exploring Newer and Sustainable Technologies in Health and Medical Tourism Systems” to develop and explore knowledge among Medical community and to launch new businesses and swapping ideas. Providing the right stage to present thought-provoking Keynote talks, Plenary sessions, Discussion Panels, B2B Meetings, Poster symposia, Video Presentations and Workshops.

Health and Medical Tourism 2021 foresees over 200 participants with revolutionary subjects, discussions and expositions. This will be a marvellous viability for the researchers, students and the delegates from Universities and Institutes to intermingle with the world class Scientists, speakers, technicians and laser Practitioners and Industry Professionals working in the field of lasers, Health and Medical Tourism system.

The market is expected to grow at a rapid rate over the forecast period. Factors propelling market growth comprise inadequate insurance benefits and no healthcare insurance in the local market. In addition, increasing demand for procedures, which are not covered by insurance such as gender reassignment operations, fertility treatment, dental reconstruction, and cosmetic surgery is also driving the market. Most cosmetic surgery procedures are considered elective and are therefore not covered under medical insurance. As cosmetic surgery is not covered by most medical aid plans and is paid out of pocket, lower costs in other countries increase the appeal for foreign patients. They save costs by traveling to destinations and avail treatment at cheaper rates while engaging in leisure activities at the destination country. The availability of cheaper treatment options along with the better quality of care is the primary factor responsible for the rising preference for offshore medical tourism. Patients can save from 30% to 80% of the total treatment costs. Low cost and easy availability of labor force is the main reason behind the cheaper treatment costs in medical tourism destinations.

LONGDOM Conferences provide the platform to speakers and offer delegates the opportunity to share their ideas and network. We are pleased to welcome you to attend and associate with us at 3rd Euro Sports Medicine-Fitness and Physiotherapy Conference on July 15-16, 2021 in Paris, France.

Sports Medicine 2021 mainly focuses on the theme “Investigating Current Challenges in Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation” guided by a line-up of expert speakers, the agenda will address some of the major issues related to Sports Medicine and Physical fitness to ensure that public receives the best possible care.

Sports Medicine 2021, foresee over 200 participants from 7 continents with revolutionary subjects, discussions, and expositions. This will be excellent viability for the researchers, students and the delegates from Universities and Institutes to intermingle with the world-class Scientists, speakers, technicians, technical Practitioners and Industry Professionals working in the field of all types of Sports Medicine and Alternative Sports Medicines to Physiotherapy.

Elena Wilson
Conference Manager
Oral Medicine 2021

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