Communicating Systems Must Use a Shared Transmission Medium to Communicate With One Another

Jonny Doughie*

Department of Computers and Artificial Intelligence, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt

*Corresponding Author:
Jonny Doughie
Department of Computers and Artificial Intelligence, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt

Received date: February 28, 2023, Manuscript No. IJIRCCE-23- 16184; Editor assigned date: March 03, 2023, PreQC No. IJIRCCE-23-16184(PQ); Reviewed date: March 11, 2023, QC No. IJIRCCE-23-16184; Revised date: March 22, 2023, Manuscript No. IJIRCCE-23- 16184 (R); Published date: March 29, 2023, DOI: 10.36648/ijircce.8.02.112.
Citation: Doughie J (2023) Communicating Systems Must Use a Shared Transmission Medium to Communicate With One Another. Int J Inn Res Compu Commun Eng Vol.8 No.02:112.


   A communication protocol is a set of rules that makes it possible for two or more parts of a communications system to send data using any variation of a physical quantity. The communication rules, syntax, semantics, synchronization, and possible error recovery methods are all outlined in the protocol. Hardware, software, or a combination of the two can be used to implement protocols. For sending various messages, communicating systems use well-defined formats. Each message has a precise meaning that is meant to elicit a response from a variety of predetermined responses for that particular circumstance. Typically, the manner in which the specified behavior is to be implemented is irrelevant.

   The parties involved must agree on communication protocols. A protocol can be made into a technical standard in order to reach an agreement. Protocols are similar to programming languages in that they are similar to computations in that they describe computations in the same way that programming languages describe communication. According to a different formulation, protocols are equivalent to algorithms in terms of computation and communication. A single communication is frequently described in different ways by multiple protocols.

   A protocol suite is a collection of protocols designed to work together; when they are implemented in software, they are known as a protocol stack. The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) is responsible for publishing Internet communication protocols. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is in charge of other types of networking, while the IEEE (Institute Of Electrical And Electronics Engineers) is in charge of wired and wireless networking. The Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN)'s communications protocols and formats are managed by the ITU-T. Standards are also being driven toward convergence as the PSTN and Internet converge. A connectionless datagram standard was agreed upon by the International Networking Working Group and presented to the CCIT in 1975 however neither the ITU nor the ARPANET adopted it.

Protocol Suite

The ITU-T's development of the X.25 standard in 1976, which was based on virtual circuits, was helped along by international research, particularly the work of. IBM Digital Equipment Corporation's net and Xerox Network Systems are examples of proprietary protocols developed by computer manufacturers. As a modular protocol stack, the TCP software was redesigned. It was first implemented on SATNET in 1982 and on the ARPANET in January 1983 under the name IP/TCP. The foundation for the growth of TCP/IP as a comprehensive protocol suite and the core component of the emerging Internet was laid by the development of a complete protocol suite by 1989, as outlined in RFC 1122 and RFC 1123. The OSI model, which was released in 1984, was the result of international work on a reference model for communication standards. Engineers, organizations, and nations became divided over which standard-the OSI model or the Internet protocol suite-would produce the strongest computer networks at the end of the 1980s and beginning of the 1990s. Rules and conventions that can be outlined in communication protocol specifications govern the information exchanged between devices over a network or other media. These specifications specify the nature of communication, the actual data exchanged, and any state-dependent behavior. Algorithms and data structures can be used to express the rules in digital computing systems. Algorithms and programming languages are to computations what protocols are to communication. Most operating systems are made up of a group of processes that work together and manipulate shared data to talk to each other. This communication is governed by protocols that are well-known and can be incorporated into the process code itself. On the other hand, because there is no shared memory, communicating systems must use a shared transmission medium to communicate with one another. Transmission isn't always reliable, and different systems might use different operating systems or hardware. The software modules of the networking protocol communicate with a framework that is incorporated into the machine's operating system. The operating system's networking capabilities are put into action by this framework. Protocol software can become operating system-independent when its algorithms are expressed in a portable programming language. The OSI model and the model are the most well-known frameworks. Given the similarities between programming languages and communication protocols, the initially monolithic networking programs were decomposed into cooperating protocols at the time the Internet was developed. Abstraction layering had proven to be a successful design approach for both the design of operating systems and compilers at the time. This led to the idea of layered protocols, which are still the foundation of protocol design today. The conventions can be set up in light of usefulness in gatherings, for example, there is a gathering of transport conventions. The functionalities are mapped onto the layers, and each layer addresses a distinct set of issues, such as: Internet, application, transport, and network interface functions a protocol from each layer needs to be chosen before a message can be sent. By adding a protocol selector to the message for each layer, the next protocol can be chosen.

Internet Protocols

There are two sorts of correspondence conventions, in view of their portrayal of the substance being conveyed: binary and textual the content of a text-based or plain text protocol is typically represented in plain text, which is human-readable. Binary protocols, on the other hand, have inherent advantages for use in a computer environment, such as ease of mechanical parsing and improved bandwidth utilization, despite their immediate human readability. Data can be encapsulated in a variety of ways by network applications. A text-oriented representation, in which requests and responses are sent as lines of ASCII text that are terminated by a newline character and typically by a carriage return character, is one approach that is extremely prevalent in Internet protocols. Examples of protocols whose commands are written in plain text that can be understood by humans include the FTP (File Transfer Protocol) protocol, the SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol), and the finger protocol. Because they are typically optimized for human parsing and interpretation, text-based protocols are appropriate whenever human inspection of the protocol's contents is required, such as during the early design and debugging phases. To be clear, all digital communication is based on binary. The binary content used in the text-based protocols discussed here is made human-readable with the help of a text editor.

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