Chromosome anchoring in Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) reveals sex-associated markers and genome rearrangements in flatfish

Manuel Manchado

IFAPA Centro El Toruño, Junta de Andalucía, Camino Tiro Pichón s/n, 11500 El Puerto de Santa María, Cádiz, Spain

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Manuel Manchado: My main research is focused on the boosting of sole and sea bream aquaculture. A whole-life approach is pursued integrating genetic breeding, control of reproduction, larval rearing and health enhancement. Molecular techniques for genotyping (SNPs and SSR) and gene expression are implemented using mid- and highthroughput formats. Reproduction success, larval reprogramming, genetic selection, larval quality and rearing methods, prebiotics and immunostimulation, biocontrol and microbiomes and RAS production are major topics we deal with to provide smart and integrated solutions to the aquaculture industry

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