Characterization and Properties of Organic Chemistry

Sushree Sunena*

Department of Chemistry, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India

*Corresponding Author:
Sushree Sunena
Department of Chemistry, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India

Received date: December 07, 2021, Manuscript No. Ipdcs-22-12602; Editor assigned date: December 09, 2021, PreQC No. Ipdcs-22-12602 (PQ); Reviewed date: December 23 2021, QC No. Ipdcs-22-12602; Revised date: December 28, 2021, Manuscript No. Ipdcs-22-12602(R); Published date: January 07, 2022, DOI: 10.36648/0976-8505.13.1.1
Citation: Sunena S (2022) A Brief Note on Chemical Kinetics. Der Chem Sin Vol.13 No.1: 001.

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Organic chemistry is a branch of chemistry concerned with the structure, properties, and interactions of covalently bound carbon-carbon organic compounds. By examining their structure, its structural formula can be derived. To better understand their behaviour, physical and chemical properties, as well as chemical reactivity, are investigated. The study of organic processes includes the chemical synthesis of natural products, pharmaceuticals, and polymers, as well as laboratory and theoretical (in silico) studies of individual organic molecules [1].
Organic chemistry studies hydrocarbons (molecules containing only carbon and hydrogen) as well as carbon-based compounds incorporating other elements, such as oxygen, nitrogen, sulphur, phosphorus, and the halogens. Organometallic chemistry is the study of carbon metal bonding. Organic molecules, which make up the vast majority of chemicals, are the building blocks of all life on Earth. The four valences of carbon formal single, double, and triple bonds, as well as delocalized electron structures allow for a vast range of structural diversity in organic compounds, as well as a wide range of applications.
They are used to make a variety of commercial products, including pharmaceuticals, petrochemicals, and agrichemicals, as well as products derived from them, such as lubricants, solvents, polymers, fuels, and explosives. Organic chemistry encompasses organometallic chemistry and biochemistry, as well as medicinal chemistry, polymer chemistry and materials science [2].


Because organic chemicals are frequently mixed, a variety of techniques for determining purity have been developed; chromatography techniques, such as HPLC and gas chromatography are particularly useful for this application [3].

Distillation, crystallization, evaporation, magnetic separation, and solvent extraction are examples of traditional separation procedures. Organic compounds were once identified using a range of chemical tests known as "wet techniques," but spectroscopic or other computer-intensive methods of analysis have mostly supplanted such testing [4].

The following are the main analytical procedures, listed in approximate order of utility:

Elemental analysis is a destructive approach for determining a molecule's elemental composition.
Mass spectrometry determines a compound's molecular weight and structure based on fragmentation patterns. High-resolution mass spectrometry, rather than elemental analysis, can usually identify the exact formula of a chemical.
When a single crystal of a material is available, crystallography can be used to determine molecular geometry. Previously, mass spectrometry was limited to neutral molecules with some volatility, but advanced ionisation techniques allow one to obtain the "mass spec" of virtually any organic compound [5].


Physical properties of organic compounds of interest often contain both quantitative and qualitative characteristics. Melting point, boiling point, and index of refraction are all examples of quantitative data. Aroma, consistency, solubility and color are examples of qualitative qualities [6].

Melting and Boiling Properties

Organic compounds tend to melt and many of them boil. Inorganic materials, on the other hand, may generally be melted but do not boil, and instead deteriorate. The Melting Point(MP) and Boiling Point(BP) of organic compounds were once used to determine their purity and identification. The melting and boiling temperatures of molecules are related to their polarity and molecular weight [7]. Some organic molecules, particularly those with symmetrical structures, are sublime. Para-dichlorobenzene, the odiferous element of modern mothballs, is a well-known example of a sublimely organic compound. Although there are rare exceptions, organic molecules are usually not particularly stable at temperatures.


Organic molecules that are neutral are hydrophobic, meaning they are less soluble in water than they are in organic solvents. Organic molecules with ionizable groups, as well as low molecular weight alcohols, amines and carboxylic acids that form hydrogen bonds, are exceptions. Organic substances, on the other hand, tend to dissolve in organic solvents. The solubility of organic solutes and organic solvents vary greatly [8].

Solid State Properties

Various specialized properties of molecular crystals and organic polymers with conjugated systems, such as piezoelectricity, electrical conductivity (see conductive polymers and organic semiconductors), and electro-optical (e.g. non-linear optics) properties, are of interest depending on applications. Due to historical considerations, such features are primarily the domains of polymer and materials research. Functional groups are important in organic chemistry because they may be used to classify structures and predict attributes. A functional group is a chemical module whose reactivity is expected to be the same in a variety of compounds within certain bounds [9].
The chemical and physical properties of organic molecules can be significantly influenced by functional groups. Functional groupings are used to categorise molecules. The C-O-H component, for example is found in all alcohols. All alcohols are hydrophilic to some extent, form esters, and can usually be converted to the equivalent halides. Heteratoms are found in the majority of functional groupings (atoms other than C and H). Alcohols, carboxylic acids, amines, and other functional groups are used to classify organic molecules. Because of their electrical influence on surrounding regions of the molecule, functional groups make the molecule more acidic or basic. When the pka (or basicity) of a molecular addition/functional group increases, the strength of the related dipole increases.
A dipole pointing towards the functional group (higher pka, therefore basic nature of group) weakens with increasing distance. The intermolecular and intramolecular effects of dipole distance (measured in angstroms) and steric hindrance towards the functional group on the surrounding environment and pH level are intermolecular and intramolecular, respectively. PKA values and bond strengths (single, double, triple) vary by functional group, resulting in increased electrophilicity with lower pka and increased nucleophile strength with higher pka. More basic/nucleophilic functional groups want to attack an electrophilic functional group on another molecule (intermolecular) or within the same molecule with a lower pka (intramolecular). Any acyl or carbonyl group with a net acidic pka that falls within the range is fair game. If heteroatoms are present, the features of cyclic hydrocarbons are altered once more. Heteratoms can be either substituents attached externally to the ring (exocyclic) or members of the ring itself (endocyclic). In the latter situation, the ring is referred to as a heterocycle [10].
Aromatic heterocycles like pyridine and furan exist, while alicyclic heterocycles like piperidine and tetrahydrofuran exist. Oxygen, sulphur, or nitrogen is the most prevalent heteroatoms in heterocyclic compounds, with the latter being particularly common in biological systems. Heterocycles can be found in a variety of items, including aniline dyes and pharmaceuticals. They're also found in a variety of biological molecules like alkaloids, vitamins, steroids and nucleic acids (e.g. DNA, RNA).


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