Chakras Energies Deficiencies as Responsible for the Loss of Smell and Taste in Patients with Coronavirus Infection

Huang Wei Ling

Medical Acupuncture and Pain Management Clinic. Franca, São Paulo, Brazil, E-mail:

Received date: June 20, 2021; Accepted date: June 25, 2021; Published date: June 30, 2021

Citation: Huang W (2021) Chakras Energies Deficiencies as Responsible for the Loss of Smell and Taste in Patients with Coronavirus Infection. Clin Immunol Infect Dis Vol. 5 No.3

Copyright: © 2021 Huang W. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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A sudden, severe, isolated loss of smell and/or taste, in the absence of other upper airway inflammatory diseases should alert individuals and physicians on being potentially affected by COVID-19. In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), the five external sensorial organs (eye, ears, tongue, mouth, nose) are responsible for the vision, hearing, taste, communication, smell. Each external sensorial organ is governing by one five massive organs (Liver, Kidney, Spleen, Heart and Lung) respectively and each massive organ represent one element in the Five elements theory (Wood, Water, Earth, Fire and Metal). Each element is correspondent with one chakra. Purpose: is to demonstrate that patients with anosmia and lack of taste in coronavirus infection have chakras energies deficiencies responsible for this symptoms and the treatment replenishing the chakras energy is important to reestablish the health again to the individual, preventing further complications and/or the reinfection or the development of a new disease. Methods: two cases reports, that had anosmia and lack of taste and did the diagnosis of coronavirus infection detected thought nasal swab. Results: chakras energies measurement were done attesting the lack of energy in all chakras (rated one out of eight) with exception of the seventh, that was normal. The chakra responsible for the taste is the fifth (Earth element or Spleen) and the chakra responsible for the sense of smell is the fourth (Metal element or Lung). They all received highly diluted medications to replenish the chakras energies according to the theory Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and crystal based medications. Conclusion: patients with anosmia and lack of taste in coronavirus infected patients have lack of energy in the chakras energies (fifth and fourth chakra) meridians and the treatment of this lack of energy is important to treat this condition on the root of the problem preventing future complications associated with this infections or other diseases.


Huang Wei Ling, born, a General Practitioner and Parenteral and Enteral Medical Nutrition Therapist. Once in charge of the Hospital Infection Control Service of the City of Franca’s General Hospital, she was responsible for the control of all prescribed antimicrobial medication and received an award for the best paper presented at the Brazilian Hospital Infection Control Congress in 1998. Since 1997, she works with the approach and treatment of all chronic diseases in a holistic way, with treatment guided through the teachings of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Hippocrates. Researcher in the University of São Paulo, in the Ophthalmology department from 2012 to 2013.

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