Benefits of Neem and Its Uses

John Murray*

Department of Medicine, Bengkulu University, Bengkulu, Indonesia

*Corresponding Author:
John Murray
Department of Medicine,
Bengkulu University,

Received Date: November 02, 2021; Accepted Date: November 16, 2021; Published Date: November 23, 2021

Citation: Murray J (2021) Benefits of Neem and its Uses. Am J Ethnomed Vol.8 No.10:003.

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For centuries, the neem tree (Azadirachta indica) has been considered to have an incredible health-promoting effect. To be honest, there is evidence that, neem was used to resolve diseases about 4,500 years ago, which helps to protect our bodies. It’s started to use in ancient India and neighbouring countries, where it has been revered for some time as the most versatile plant known. In fact, the neem tree is still known today as the "village pharmacy." All aspects are known for their special therapeutic value. The neem tree belongs to the family of Meliaceae (Medipodaceae) and is a fast-growing evergreen tree that is certainly known to be resistant to drought. The neem tree grows into a stately shaded tree with a thick, round canopy and can live up to 150 to 200 years old. Neem is also famous for its strong, horrible scent. Its buds have a delicious, honey-like trace that can be smelled for miles. As a fast-growing tree, that requires little water, neem is also an inexhaustible resource. In Ayurveda, neem is commonly used to normalize pitta a nd kapha . It’s cold, light and dry properties generally improve vata. Thus, neem is regularly prescribed to mix with various herbs that help to destroy its harmful properties.

Benefits of Neem

Antioxidant activity

Neem leaf extracts contain polyphenols that adhere to the surface of the moth to form a complex with bacteria, red blood cells, and lysozyme that can exert long-term antibacterial and synergistic antioxidant effects. Therefore, it may be particularly effective for periodontal disease. If you have chronic problems, it could be a positive step towards medical care. Because they are inexpensive, they are well within the budgets of long-term care patients.

Anti-cancerous activity

Neem compounds have outstanding biological and anticancer properties such as free radical capture, induction of programmed cell death, antiangiogenic activity, inhibition of transformed cell proliferation, inhibition of metastatic processes, and NFκB factor. This all helps in the enhancement of the host immune responses against tumour cells.


Neem is a powerful antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals that can affect the development of some diseases. It is also a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. Neem has an antibacterial effect and is effective against various types of bacteria, viruses, and fungi.


Low doses of neem leaf extract have a soothing effect. This effect disappears at high doses of about 400 to 800 mg/kg of body weight. It also relieves tension and stress.

Heart disease

The main reasons for a heart attack are blood clots, high cholesterol, arrhythmias, and high blood pressure. Neem leaves reduces the coagulation, lowered the circulatory stress and severe cholesterol, interfered with fast or strangely high heartbeats, and suppressed sporadic heart rhythms.

Skin and blood

Neem is known and admired for its rejuvenating skin and good looks. Due to its strong taste, it provides an incredible cooling effect on the body and reduces the excessive heat that can appear as scratches.

Immune system

Its detoxifying effect on the body makes it incredibly invincible, especially when purifying the amateur's body.


Neem supports clear breathing and a healthy respiratory system.

Skin moisture and softness

Neem used to treat skin diseases both externally and internally. For external use, neem oil or cleanser softens and greases the skin.


For those who have too much pitta or heat on their scalp or hair follicles, neem is used for cooling the scalp and helps to grow shiny, straight hair.

Insect repellent

Early studies have shown that applying neem root or leaf concentrate to the skin repels black patches. Similarly, applying neem oil cream on the skin helps to protect against various types of mosquitoes.


Early studies suggest that taking neem eclectic for 12 weeks with daily sun exposure and using coal tar and salicylic acid cream may reduce the side effects of psoriasis.


Jungle fever (malaria) is very common in India and all the tropics. Neem leaves release the typical progression of jungle fever infection (malaria). Despite the fact that neem can be effective against skin irritation and other relentless conditions, psoriasis is effectively treated with neem oil.


Vitiligo is thought to be a problem with the immune system that causes skin spots to lose shade. The dose is 4 gm of neem leaves three times daily, preferably before each meal. Applying neem oil to the affected area can restore the discoloration.

Viral diseases

In India, neem is also used to treat viral infections such as smallpox and chickenpox. Neem also has an antibacterial effect.


The popularity of natural products or their derivatives in the treatment and prevention of diseases is increasing around the world due to their low side effects. Neem and its fortress have therapeutic suggestions and have long been used around the world, especially in the Indian subcontinent. Clinical studies have confirmed that neem plays an important role in avoiding a variety of illnesses. The task of dynamic fixation as a chemo preventive effect was determined in different tumours based on the balance of different cellular flag pathways. Basic tests should be dependent on the organism to know the exact mechanism of action in the treatment of the disease.

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