Bear maul injuries in kashmir valley

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Bear maul injuries are not commonly reported in literature. The high incidence of Bear maul injuries in Kashmir valley, which is surrounded by dense forests and is a habitat of Asiatic Black bears, urged us to undertake such a study in our department. The purpose of our study was to ascertain the pattern of such injuries and evaluate the management. This study was undertaken for a period of 10 years. More than 500 bear maul victims were enrolled in the study. The patient profile, pattern of injuries, damage incurred was assessed, management carried upon and subsequent results were noted. Injuries due to mauling by black bear occur mainly between July and November. The young and middle-aged men have a higher tendency to be wounded. The face and head were the most commonly affected sites, while visceral injuries were rare. Mortality was low, and reconstruction of many of the injuries was challenging, often necessitating a staged procedures for years together.

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