Application of 3d Printing in Pharmaceutical Industry

Surabhi Jain1, Nadim MR Chhipa2, Dhrubo Jyoti Sen3* and Dhanajoy Saha4

1Faculty of Pharmacy, B. Pharmacy College Rampura-kakanpur, (Gujarat Technological University), Panchmahals, Gujarat, India

2Arihant School of Pharmacy & Bio Research Institute, Uvarsad Square, Sarkhej-Gandhinagar Highway, Post Adalaj, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India

3School of Pharmacy, Techno India University, Salt Lake Campus, Kolkata-West Bengal, India

4Directorate of Technical Education, Bikash Bhavan, Salt Lake City, Kolkata, West Bengal, India

*Corresponding Author:
hrubo Jyoti Sen
School of Pharmac,Technology India Uneirvsity,
SaltLaek City, West Benagl,

Received date:August 06, 2022, Manuscript No. IPBBB-22-9953; Editor assigned date:July 08, 2022, PreQC No.IPBBB-22-9953 (PQ);Reviewed date: July 18, 2022, QC No IPBBB-22-9953; Revised date: July 27, 2022, Manuscript No. IPBBB-22-9953 (R); Published date: August 05, 2022, DOI: 10.36648/2347-5447.10.4.20

Citation: Jain S, Chhipa MRN, Jyoti Sen D, Saha D (2022) Application of 3d Printing in Pharmaceutical Industry. Br Biomed Bull Vol. 10 Iss No.4: 20.

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3D printing has been widely used in different sectors like engineering, construction, aerospace etc. but with respect to pharmacy it is still in its infancy. After approval of first FDA approved 3D printed drug interest towards this concept has been tremendously increased. It ensures easy possibilities for personalized and customized drug delivery system that will be advantageous either for pediatric, elderly or patients with multiple drug treatment. In 3D printing object of desired shape and size is fabricated layer by layer taking use of computer aided drug designing. In this review, overview of different methodologies like stereolithographic, powder based, selective laser sintering, fused deposition modeling and semi-solid extrusion 3D printing with its application on pharmaceutical industry is discussed.


3D printing; Fused deposition modeling; Pressure-Assisted microsyringes; Applications in pharmaceutical industry; Tablets; Stereolithography.


3D printing (3DP) utilizes concept of tailor-made medicines. According to ISO 3DP was defined as “fabrication of objects through the deposition of a material using a print head, nozzle, or another printer technology” [1]. In 3DP, 3D model was prepared by placing materials together layer by layer. This approach is one of the methods of additive manufacturing (rapid prototyping). Back to history, it was first described in early twentieth century by Pierre AL Ciraud who conceptualized 3DP of powered materials and its subsequent solidification of every layer by the action of high energy beam. Generally, object was designed with the help of computer-aided design software and optimization of geometry was done according to printer specification. In the second step, design was converted to STL format which be recognized by printer. This STL format contains information about each vertex position and coded color texture.

Later on, quality and printing time of 3D object was dependent on height of printed layer. Subsequently, application of designed material decides its printing method [2].

Classification and its application in pharmaceutical industry

The 3DP methods can be classified on the basis of source of energy, material and other mechanical characters. Most commonly used 3DP technologies are inkjet (IJ) systems, nozzlebased deposition systems, and laser-based writing systems. A detailed classification was shown in Figure 1.


Figure 1: Classification of 3D printing Techniques

Printing based ink jet system: Ink Jet printing is divided in 2 parts based on technology employed i.e. continuous inkjet printing and drop-on-demand printing. As name suggest for former continuous flow of ink through an orifice of 50–80 μm diameter, by using a high-pressure pump, whereas in latter droplets was produced of 10–50 μm with a volume of 1-70 pL [3]. In the Ink jet system, controllable parameter involves printer head, speed, size, and interval of drop formations and fluid viscosity. The different types printer head is of immense importance in drop-on-demand printing. The thermal head or bubble jet and a piezoelectric crystal head is widely used [4]. In thermal jet, ink is heated locally and bubble was formed which was ejected, whereas in piezoelectric crystal sudden volume change makes an acoustic pulse sufficient for the ejection of ink [5]. Ink jet printing itself exemplified its importance. Some of them in tablet formulation are with single API like Acetaminophen by, Chlorpheniramine maleate and many more. Two researchers Clark et al. and Kyobula et al. [6-10]. Incorporated ink jet printing in 2 different ways first UV photoinitiation used by former where as hot melt 3D Ink Jet printing was used by latter.

Nozzle based deposition systems: In this type of 3DP, solid components were mixed with binder prior to 3DP and to be deposited directly to form 3D object through nozzle [11]. This technology can be further classified into 2 types, namely fused deposition modelling and pressure-assisted microsyringes. Fused Deposition Modelling also known as fused filament fabrication in which molten thermoplastic polymer filament is expelled from high-temperature nozzle and submitted layer to layer with rapid solidification to a build plate [12]. In second process pressure-assisted microsyringes, materials with viscous and semi-liquid consistency are expelled with the help of microsyringe which moves like IJ printer head [5]. This technology has ability to construct microstructure of size of 5–10 μm or less [13]. In the advancement of technology, a slightly newer name PAM2 i.e. Piston-assisted microsyringe is also rapid prototyping but it uses stepper motor for release of 3D object to be printed in place of compressed air [14]. The Nozzle based deposition systems are widely accepted in pharmaceutical Industry. Due to simple process, Fused Deposition Modelling was adopted for the making of immediate release and extended-release tablets. The research group of Khaled et al. used paracetamol in 80% utilizing extrusion-based 3D printer [15]. Another group of researchers worked in making extended release tablets taking prednisolone added to polyvinyl alcohol filaments, able to get drug release up to 24hrs [16]. Another study was reported by Alhijjaj et al. [17]. Additionally, concept of FDM is successfully developed in construction of enteric coated by research groups Goyanes et al. and gastro-floating tablets Li et al. [18,19].

Laser‑based writing systems: The third important 3DP technique is Laser‑based writing systems. It includes Stereolithography that is first available commercially in solid freeform fabrication technique [20]. The concept behind Stereolithography is that there is a moving platform which contains vessel filled with liquid photopolymer. After the proper laser is applied, moving platform is to lowered to a decided depth and hence a polymerized layer was created. This process was repeated till thickness of desired 3D object was achieved. The main advantages

of stereolithography are high-resolution for construction of complex structures and useful for thermolabile substances [21]. Furthermore, another emerging technology is Digital light projection, this uses similar concept as that of stereolithography with and extra advantage of having lens that speed up formation of layer and its thickness. Another newer technology, selective laser sintering makes use of highpower laser to sinter a photopolymer in a powdered form [22]. The concept stereolithography is exemplified by Wang et al. for API’s 4-aminosalicylic acid and paracetamol which are 2 different nature of API. The former is thermo-labile whereas latter is thermostable [23].

Other applications in pharmaceutical industry: 3D printing made its way out in numerous applications in drug delivery. The flexibility of dosing will be useful for paediatric population. Other medications which have complex release profiles that can also be created effectively. Furthermore, this technique was successfully applied to creation of topical treatment devices and polypills.

The below shown Table 1and Figure-2 will express other applications in pharmacy.

Formulation 3DP method API used Reference no.
Tablets Inkjet system Chlorpheriramine maleate, diclofenac 24
Levetiracetam 25
Inkjet printing technology felodipine 26
Hot melt extrusion technique haloperidol 27
Dipyridamole and theophylline 28
rifampicin and isoniazid 29
Extrusion 3D printing dexamethasone 30
Fused deposition Theophylline 31
Implant 5-Fluorouracil 32
Isoniazid and rifampicin 33
Levofloxacin 34
felodipine 17
metformin and glimepiride 35
domperidone 36
hydrogels Stereolithographic printing Ibuprofen-loaded hydrogels 37
nanocapsules Fused deposition modelling deflazacort 38
Oral dispersible films Inkjet 3D printing Rasagiline mesylate 39
3D Printed Polypill Extrusion 3D printing prednisolone 40
microparticles Inkjet 3D printing Paclitaxel 41
osmotic pump Extrusion printing Captopril, nifedipine and glipizide. 42
Intrauterine system Fused deposition modelling Indomethacine 39

Table 1: Application of 3DP in Pharmaceutical Industry


Figure 2: 3D printing Techniques and its Pharmaceutical Applications


3D printing proved its versatility for designing and manufacturing of devices and various dosage forms. The increased popularity of 3D printing is due to likelihood of fast preparation of tailor-made objects which can be used in personalized therapy or medicine. This 3D printing technology aims for development of patient-centered dosage forms based on structure design. Another perspective of 3D printing is Ondemand manufacturing. It allows fast printing from digital designs without need of any intermediate machines. This has many advantages like 3DP in emergency surgery or medicine, can be direct onto patients and drugs with shorter shelf life. An extra benefit of this technology is that it decreases time and other barriers during drug development. It emerged as new concept for which can bypass challenges that occur in conventional methods. As a whole this technology will reach to new horizons and can prove itself efficient and safe for personalized treatment regimen in near future.


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