Announcement of 3rd International Conference Forensic Research and Technology

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The latest trends and innovations in forensic field have authorized it to become more advanced science that involves a number of innovations and more number of forensic scientists specializing in everything from DNA and botany to dentistry and tool marks. 3rd Forensic Research and Technology Congresswill be scheduled in Singapore city, Singapore during August 24-25, 2022 which includes prompt keynote presentations, Oral talks, Workshops/Symposia, Poster presentations, and Exhibitions. The theme of the conference is around, The next level challenges and innovation in evidence analysis . Forensic Research aims to bring together major academic scientists, research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and results on particular forensic science. It also provides a leading interdisciplinary dais for forensic researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges occurred and solutions created in the fields of Forensic Science. The purpose of this meeting is to raise international awareness of developments, teaching, training, responsibilities, and ethics in the field of Forensic research and Technology

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