Alzheimer communities in SE Europe - the new vision

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Due to demographic changes in SE Europe ageing have accelerate pace. Until 2030. percentage of older adults will be 30% of total population what is twice as big as averageworld percentage and almost twice more than 2010. In the same time life expectancy will be 78 years and it is 17 years more than 1991. when happened social changes in SE Europe(SEE). Expect age of population is 47 years and it is on top of functional adjusted environment. Until 2030. SEE will lose 15% of population due to migration and deaths(UDESA 2015). BiH has 150.000 peoples living with dementia(Kučuk 2015). The research will compare today's way, organisation and opportunities for life of people living with dementia(PwD) versus possibilities by the system in regarding with recommendations by WHO (Global strategy on Ageing and Health 2016.-2020.). We shall compare current level of services and offers versus needs of PwD that will be satisfied through self-sustainable.

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