A Physical Activity Levels, Dietary Habits, Obesity, and Smoking Status among College of Basic Education Students


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Introduction: Kuwait ranks second in obesity worldwide and first in the Middle East for type 2 diabetes. Since there are many risk factors for chronic diseases, including smoking status, physical inactivity, and dietary habits, assessing these factors in Kuwaiti society is critical. College age students have an important role in the Kuwaiti society, especially college of basic education students. It is important to monitor lifestyle related physical activity habits, diet, and smoking status among college of basic education students. To the best of our knowledge, recent and comprehensive lifestyle data of college age students is lacking. Therefore, the overall goal of the present study is determine the prevalence of physical activity levels, obesity and smoking status among male and female colleges age students at the College of basic Education. Methods: A cross-sectional study will conducted on a randomly college students aged 18-25 years from all the departments at College of Basic Education. Physical activity levels, dietary habits, obesity, and smoking will be assessed using the ATLS questionnaire. Anthropometric measurements included weight (kg), height (cm), body fat (%), and muscle mass will be measured using bioelectrical impedance analysis. Body mass index (BMI) will be calculated using height and weight (kg/m2).


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