Kevin Saunders*
Department of Neurology, Alexandria University, Copenhagen, Denmark
Received Date: December 06, 2021; Accepted Date: December 20, 2021; Published Date: December 27, 2021
Citation: Saunders K (2021) A Note on Psycho-Physiological Diseases in Abnormal Psychology. Neurol Sci Vol.5 No.6: e007
Psycho-Physiological Diseases have been known as psycho- somatic diseases which implies that the mind (psyche) determines the complaint or diseases of the body (soma). In fact this wider conception regarded" mind “and" body “as thick aspects of the whole functioning organism and established a close relationship between cerebral state of the mind and fleshly sickness. This relationship may be studied in the light of the following two aspects.
The effect of cerebral station on body sickness the positive cerebral station reflected in" fighting spirit “and" faith mending “helps recovery in serious conditions and accidents. Indeed in similar conditions as tuberculosis or cancer the favorable station of the case increases the chances of his recovery. On the other hand, the negative station reflected in the belief that he cannot get well or his essential intention for not getting well- conditioned cast the negative effect. The effect of body sickness on cerebral station the persons who are seriously ill or suffering with acute or painful body conditions are frequently seen mentally worried and emotionally disturbed. In their cases the anxiety and pessimism, performing from their fleshly sickness, is readily displaced to other situations making them disturbed and maladjusted. In this way, there seems a close body- mind relationship in determining the causes and treatment of internal diseases or disabilities suffered by an organism. Where fleshly conditions may have cerebral causes the cerebral affections may also arise from organic conditions.
Generally, similar conditions or diseases may be divided into the following three orders. Generally organic or physiological the conditions like tuberculosis. Cancer and physical injuries like a broken leg Belong to this order. They've no cerebral origin but their Treatment, to a great extent, is told by the cerebral state or station of the case. Generally Cerebral or psyche. Psycho-Physiological Diseases 101 cerebral functioning of the organism (similar as defense mechanisms) may be included into this order. A close analysis of the diseases belonging to this order may reveal that they aren't at each uninfluenced by one's fleshly state-normal or abnormal health. Both organic and cerebral factors inversely significant this order includes diseases or maladjustment of the guested or personality of an individual in which both organic and sickielogical factors are conspicuously significant in their origin and in their treatment. These diseases bow nominated as sickiephysiological diseases.
According to the American Psychiatric Association publication “psychophysiological diseases are characterized by physical symptoms that are caused by emotional factors and involve a single organ system, generally under autonomic nervous system innervation. The physiological changes involved are those that typically accompany certain emotional countries, but in these diseases the changes are more violent and sustained.’ “This description leads us to the following characteristics of sickiephysiological diseases Sickie- physiological diseases always parade one or the other typical physical symptoms like pain, puking, difficulty in breathing, diarrhea etc. It's the inflexibility of the torture caused by these symptoms that generally compels the individual to seek medical help. Although the physical symptoms developed on account of the sickie-physiological diseases appear analogous to those reflected in certain emotional stat-s (anxiety, wrathfulnessetc.)have been known as psycho-somatic diseases which implies that the mind (psyche) determines the complaint or diseases of the body (Soma).