3rd Annual Conference on Oral Care and and Dentistry

Geeta Singh

King George Medical University, India, E-mail: geeta01@gmail.com

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Dental caries and periodontal diseases have historically been considered the most important global oral health burdens As in health care spending of money continues to rise, many innovations in oral health have the potential to help bend the cost curve. Amazing new technologies such as virtual or augmented reality, 3Dprinting or CRISPR will revolutionize dentistry and our whole attitude towards oral health in the future.

Most people are not aware that periodontal diseases have a big impact on our immune system and furthermore in our completely body health system. Guzin Kirsaclioglu from Dental Estetik Center, Turkey view their talk about entitled topic “Emotional Dentistry” Especially explained the Emotional relationship of People with Dental Caries. And also Geeta Singh from King George’s Medical University, India alighted on her experiment research on “Management of Mandibular Condyle Fracture: A Surgical Dilemma”.

With the successful overwhelming of the previous conference “2nd Annual Conference on Oral Care and Dentistry” which was held on November 14-15, 2019 in Istanbul, Turkey. With the theme “Creative approaches for the betterment of Oral and Dental Health” was a great success, where eminent keynote speakers from various reputed institutions and organizations with their resplendent presence addressed the gathering.

We are honoured to schedule our next series “3rd Annual Conference on Oral Care and Dentistry” during June 25-26, 2020 at Dubai, UAE which will be revolving around the theme “Innovative Measures in Obesity and Endocrinology”.


1. Emotional Dentistry by Guzin Kirsaclioglu from Dental Estetik Center, Turkey

2. Management of Mandibular Condyle Fracture: A Surgical Dilemma by Geeta Singh from King George’s Medical University, India

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