2nd European Congress on Advanced Chemistry MARKET ANALYSIS

Athina Geronikaki

Professor Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Greece, E-mail: geronik@pharm.auth.gr


The session of Advanced Chemistry is concerned with doing basic research on a variety of chemical fields like metal compounds, inorganic and organic compounds, polymers, proteins. The main motto of this field of chemistry is to make the application of these researches in various fields and contribute to the development.

• Organic Chemistry

• Theoretical Chemistry

• Biochemistry

• Physical Chemistry

• Green Chemistry

• Materials Chemistry

• Analytical Chemistry

• Inorganic Chemistry

Why Osaka?

Osaka is a large port city and commercial center on the Japanese island of Honshu. It's known for its modern architecture, nightlife and hearty street food. The 16th-century shogunate Osaka Castle, which has undergone several restorations, is its main historical landmark. It's surrounded by a moat and park with plum, peach and cherry-blossom trees. Sumiyoshitaisha is among Japan’s oldest Shinto shrines.


Global chemical production is anticipated to grow by three.4% in 2018, roughly on level with 2017 (+3.5%). we have a tendency to tend to anticipate a rather weaker rate of growth among the advanced economies (2017: +3.7%; 2018: +2.4%). Growth among the rising markets have to be compelled to get slightly (2017: +3.4%; 2018: +4.2%).

The development of the planet’s largest chemical market China options an important impact on the world rate of growth. we have a tendency to tend to yet again expect slightly stronger growth here once a comparatively weak figure in 2017. As a result, China will presumably everywhere once more account for just about two proportion points of world chemical growth. Growth rates among the staying rising markets of Asia have to be compelled to stay stable. In distinction, chemical growth among the U.S. have to be compelled to get. One reason for the higher growth forecast for 2018 is that the assembly outages among the U.S. caused by cyclone doc in fall 2017. to boot, new production capacities will reach the market in 2018, that is ready to presumably increase exports any. we have a tendency to tend to expect growth among the E.U. to remain on prime of average in 2018, but slower than in 2017. Domestic demand in key consumer industries will altogether chance be slightly weaker following durable industrial growth among the previous year. we have a tendency to tend to put together anticipate weaker export demand from Asia.

Chemical Companies:

• British Petroleum

• Celanese

• Daicel Corporation

• DuPont

• Eastman Chemical Co.

• Jiangsu Sopo Co. Ltd.

• Kingboard Chemical Holdings Ltd.

• LyondellBasell

• Mitsubishi Chemical Company

• PetroChina


• Sasol

• Shandong Hualu-Hengsheng Chemical Co. Ltd.

• Shanghai Huayi Group

• Sinopec

• Yancon Cathay Chemical

• Yankuang Cathay Coal Chemicals Co. Ltd.

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The following pie chart shows world consumption of sulfuric acid in 2017:

Global Advanced CBRN Market:

The global chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) security market is rising at a steady pace globally as demand for effective CBRN protection measures to combat terrorist attacks is at an all-time high. The threat of use of weapons of mass destruction by terrorist organizations have raised alarms to prevent possible attacks with CBRN systems. CBRN security is a rising market to address concerns related to protecting civilian lives and maintenance of economic stability.

In addition, CBRN systems are used for accidental incidents. These include events caused by human or technological errors such as accidental leaks or factory spillage of poisonous gas or liquids. Intentional CBRN incidents occur when CBRN materials are released into the environment with the intention of terrorism or war or when hazardous material is discharged into the environment deliberately.

One of the key factors driving the CBRN security market is increasing demand for CBRN security in developing countries such as India, China, and Brazil among others. In addition, African nations are expected to continue spending incessantly on CBRN surveillance systems to mitigate rising CBRN threats such as Ebola in the regaion. With continual technological advancements and increasing research initiatives worldwide, new-age CBRN security equipment are launched that primarily focus on government organizations, military, and law enforcement agencies.

Transparency Market Research estimates the global CBRN security market to be worth US$15074.8 mn by 2025 increasing from US$9890.0 mn in 2016, expanding at a CAGR of 4.8% between 2017 and 2025.

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