ISSN : 2574-0431
Editorial: Synth Catal (7)
Porous Perovskite Materials in Catalysis
Author(s): Hamidreza Arandiyan and Yuan Wang
Research Article: Synth Catal (8)
Continuous-Flow Hydrogenation of D-Xylose with Bimetallic Ruthenium Catalysts on Micrometric Alumina
Author(s): Cristina Paun, Erik Lewin and Jacinto Sá
Research Article: Synth Catal (9)
Author(s): Li Ming, Jiang Huimin, Cao Guangqun, Yang Cheng and Cao Yuhua
Editorial: Synth Catal (10)
The Synthesis of Fine Chemicals Using Novel Catalysis
Author(s): Ibhadon AO and Johnston SK
Editorial: Synth Catal (11)
Catalytic Production of Syngas by Methane Reforming
Author(s): Hamidreza Arandiyan and Yuan Wang
Synthesis and Catalysis: Open Access received 94 citations as per Google Scholar report