Commentary: Int J Adv Res (1-2)
Soft Robotics that are Universal and Employ Bistable Structures
Author(s): Ront Zen
DOI: 10.36648/Int J Adv Res.6.2.76
Commentary: Int J Adv Res (1-2)
Modern Electronic Devices Made of Cutting-Edge Materials and Inventive Techniques
Author(s): William Son
DOI: 10.36648/Int J Adv Res.6.2.77
Opinion Article: Int J Adv Res (1-2)
Author(s): Federico Jen
DOI: 10.36648/Int J Adv Res.6.2.78
Opinion Article: Int J Adv Res (1-2)
Getting the Modern Computerization Programming Testing Methodology
Author(s): Chin Yang
DOI: 10.36648/Int J Adv Res.6.2.79
Perspective Article: Int J Adv Res (1-2)
Growth of Students' Technical Imagination and Robotics
Author(s): David Guptha
DOI: 10.36648/Int J Adv Res.6.2.80
Perspective Article: Int J Adv Res (81)
Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS): The Convergence of the Virtual and Physical Worlds
Author(s): Pecchia Umberto*
Perspective Article: Int J Adv Res (82)
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC): Ensuring Harmonious Coexistence in the Age of Technology
Author(s): Massimo Tonelli*
Opinion Article: Int J Adv Res (83)
Energy-Efficient Circuits and Systems: Paving the Way for Sustainable Technology
Author(s): Serrano Haralambos*
Opinion Article: Int J Adv Res (84)
Communication and Control in Smart Grids: Empowering the Future of Energy Management
Author(s): Jaime Palau*
Perspective Article: Int J Adv Res (85)
Fault Diagnosis and Tolerance in Electrical Systems: Pioneering Reliability and Resilience
Author(s): Meilin Katherine*
Perspective Article: Int J Adv Res (86)
Embracing the Future: The Power of Renewable Energy Systems
Author(s): Zheng Li Jihong*
Perspective Article: Int J Adv Res (87)
Power Distribution and Management: Empowering a Sustainable Future
Author(s): Ahmad Rahim*
Perspective Article: Int J Adv Res (88)
Analog and Digital Circuit Design for Unravelling the Magic Behind Modern Technology
Author(s): Tim Williams*
Opinion Article: Int J Adv Res (89)
Author(s): John D. Enderle*
Opinion Article: Int J Adv Res (90)
Control Systems for Robotics: Enhancing Autonomy and Precision
Author(s): Haowen Zhuoqun*