
Webinars in COVID Era: Boon or Impediment


We all are facing an unprecedented situation, and witnessing a historic period, in this COVID era. Initially, Indian Government reacted to COVID pandemic, by enforcing nationwide lockdown in four phases (21 days, 19 days, 14 days and 14 days respectively), starting from 25th March 2020 and ending on 31st May 2020. Then, Unlock 1.0 started from 1 June 2020 and ended on 30 June 2020. Presently, we are in Unlock 2.0 and this phase will end on 31 July 2020. In this Era, we all have found various ways to avoid public gathering, so as to prevent COVID transmission. Now, we will be crossing twelve lakh mark in India in next 24 hours, with increasing number of cases each day, with no immediate hope of flattening the curve.

Author(s): Pankaj Sharma

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