
Use of the Brain-Gauge Somatosensory Assessment for Monitoring Recovery from Concussion: A Case Study

Objectives: To determine if Brain Gauge somatosensory metrics would adequately reflect an individual’s recovery.

Design: Prospective case study of Ms ‘K’.

Methods: The Brain Gauge somatosensory assessment system was used to show, progress towards recovery from concussion. The battery of tactile tasks was delivered over a 20-minute test period and sensory perceptual metrics (reaction time, amplitude discrimination, temporal order judgment with and without conditioning, and duration discrimination) were obtained. The metrics obtained at post-concussion days 18, 25 and 48 post-injury, were compared to normative values obtained from previously published studies.

Results: Ms ‘K’ recorded 20 sympto Ms with a severity of 77 and the SAC was 24. There were decreases in reaction time, fatigue, amplitude discrimination sequential score, temporal order judgment and the duration discrimination across all three assessments. The temporal order judgment connectivity score increased across all three assessments to be >30% of the temporal order judgment. Temporal order judgment was much higher than normative values for Ms ‘K’ initially but returned to normative values over the time-frame studied. Ms ‘K’s’ timing perception (i.e., duration discrimination) showed notable improvement over the time course examined in this case study.

Conclusion: The multi-parametric approach of cortical metrics was sensitive to the degree of recovery and the diversity of symptom that Ms ‘K’ sustained from her head injury. The Brain Gauge somatosensory metrics enabled rapid visual identification of where Ms ‘K’ was in her recovery from a concussive injury, therefore was a useful tool to help monitor physiological recovery from concussion.

Author(s): King DA*, Hume PA and Tommerdahl M

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