
Torch Positivity Amongst Children Presenting With Congenital Hydrocephalus In Bangladesh

ToRCH   is an acronym for four congenital infections that are sometimes difficult to distinguish: Toxoplasmosis, Rubella, Cytomegalovirus, and Herpes Simplex Virus. This group of organisms produces serious CNS and other infections, which are potentially preventable and treatable. Methods: Neonates and infants with hydrocephalus (N = 65) identified via the outpatient department of the National Institute of Neurosciences and Hospital (NINS&H), were prospectively screened for ToRCH antibodies.  Patients with hydrocephalus secondary to tumor, trauma, hemorrhage, arachnoid cyst, and Dandy Walker Malformation were excluded from this study.

Author(s): Mukherjee SK

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