
Tips and Tricks in Hair Tourniquet Syndrome (HTS)

Hair tourniquet syndrome (HTS) is a rare clinical phenomenon. In this condition, a body appendage is tightly and circumferentially wrapped by hair or similar material. Commonly affected sites include fingers, toes and genitals. Prompt diagnosis and treatment of this condition is vital to attain good outcome and prevent even a catastrophic consequence of auto amputation in affected body part. Objective : Talking about this topic to increase physician awareness of this syndrome and highlight the importance of early release of the tourniquet to remove the hair according to anatomical consideration to avoid iatrogenic injury of the neurovascular bundle in digits and structures in genitalia. Aim of the work: HTS may lead to tissue loss if not recognized and intervened urgently. Making a wrong diagnosis like infection without a careful physical examination may lead to deterioration of the patient’s condition so; we wished to increase awareness of this syndrome and sites for incision

Author(s): Abdullah El-Osh

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