
Think Patient ? How to Build Your Next Digital Health Product?

Patients used to be the most neglected part of the total healthcare process, patients not used to have access to their medical records alone, it is always through doctors. It was acceptable for doctors to lie or withhold information from patients if they thought it was for the greater good. It seems apparent that we are now in the age of global smartphones, in which one in four people worldwide is a smartphone user [1]. With the revolution of smartphones and advances in digital technology and AI, the power is back to the patient. Now he has the voice, and he knows more than ever before. It is the age of patient-centered medicine, in which patients generate medical data using their own digital devices and communicating via their smartphones. As the continuous increase in demand for medical services grows globally, healthcare companies are in search of experienced product managers. Healthcare is a highly specialized space that lacks cross-functional support. Product management is a complex highly cross-functional field that lacks strong specialists. Achieve the synergy between healthcare and product management is in high demand. How to manage more than stakeholders? How to link patients' needs, healthcare providers, and company needs? How to deal with restrictions, regulations, and patient privacy? All these questions are key when planning for your next digital health product. Will go deep in the journey and find the best way to build your team or to develop your team for the future of medicine.

Author(s): Shady Ramadan

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