
The Relationship between Perinatal Mental Health Problems and Infant Stress: First Year of Life.

Objective: Investigate cortisol reactivity in newborn children destined to: 1) moms at high-danger of


creating PP, and mother with no such hazard, and 2) moms at high-danger of creating


Puerperal Psychosis (PP) that stayed well and moms at high-hazard that got unwell.


Techniques: Saliva cortisol from 71 babies (42 cases and 29 controls) destined to mother at high and


generally safe of creating PP was gathered preceding and 20 minutes after everyday practice


immunisations at about two months and a year. The case bunch was additionally partitioned by


maternal psychological wellness status, newborn children destined to moms that introduced clinically huge


side effects among birth and a month baby blues were designated into the unwell gathering, while


babies destined to moms that stayed well were distributed into the well gathering. Baby cortisol


reactivity was estimated as the contrast between cortisol levels when schedule


immunisations, and contrasts between bunches were broke down utilizing the Mann-Whitney tests


what's more, confounders were controlled for in straight relapse models.


Author(s): Itzia Perez Morales

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