
The next generation of Web-based Earth Observation System

Earth Observation Systems (EOS)are going through big changes, moving
from a local to a global scale.The goal of many EU projects, in agreement
with the Horizon 2020 goals, is to increasethe exchange and
collaborations among scientific communities sharing same goals. Within
the SUPREME and TESTARE projects, one important objective is to
support and improve the development of the next generation of EOS by
merging model based analysis and earth observations. 2 different
applications are currently being developed: SWATAPP and ODM APP.
SWATAPP exposes SWAT I/O on a web based user-friendly environment.
The system connects to SWAT data collections; visualize the data,
(graphs, texts, tables) and digest SWAT simulations to produce reports.
ODM APP exposes services to insert, manage and analyse Observation and
Measurements (O&M). Namely Update, Insert and Delete operations are
possible. The data modelis a revised version of the Observation and Data
Model (ODM2). The physical schema in accordance with the ODM2
standard comprises Core, Sampling Features, Provenance, Results.
In the back end,the Alto framework (www.altoframework.com), a web
based innovative low code development framework is exploited for
developing and maintaining Web services, REST APIs and the
Applications for data querying and sharing, processing and distributing.
Through Alto, web apps can be further developed and maintained.

Author(s): P. Cau, G. De Giudici

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