ISSN : 2347-5447

British Biomedical Bulletin


Synthesis and functionalization of silver doped iron oxide nanostructures with ionic liquid as colorimetric biosensor for detection of hydrogen peroxide biomarker in diabetes mellitus

Hydrogen peroxide is a byproduct of oxidase catalyzed reactions, that serves as a signaling molecule and can cause protein and DNA damage which increase our susceptibility towards various kind diseases of such as diabetes mellitus and hypertension etc. In the present work ionic liquid-coated silver doped iron oxide nanostructures were used for the colorimetric detection of H2O2. Ionic liquid have having characteristic properties of aromaticity and conductivity were coated on to the surface of silver doped iron oxide nanostructures to further enhance the their properties. Ag-Fe2O3 NPs were synthesized by green synthesis approach, and the prepared nanoparticles were characterized via FTIR, EDX, SEM, and XRD. The functionalized Ag-Fe2O3 NPs and TMB solution were used for the colorimetric detection of H2O. To find the optimal performance of Ag-Fe2O3NPs/IL different reaction conditions have been optimized for the proposed sensor, such as (a) amount of Ag-Fe2O3NPs/IL (b) TMB, (c) pH, (d) H2O2 concentration, and (e) incubation of time. This sensor showed a wide linear range 1x10-9–3.2 x10-7 M; low limit of quantification 3.20×10-7 M, low limit of detection 1.07x10-8 M and an R2 value of 0.9996. The selectivity of the proposed sensor was compared with the potential interfering species. The incubation time was estimated to be just 5 min for the proposed sensor. Additionally, the sensor was effectively applied for the detection of hydrogen peroxide in the urine samples of diabetes mellitus patient.

Author(s): Muhammad Asad*, Umar Nishan, Ikram Ullah  and Ishrat Almas 

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