
Stem cell therapy in regenerative medicine

More than 90% of all diseases are chronic, long lasting. At the
beginning of the 21-st century the concept of regenerative medicine
has been raised leading to more natural cures using and
optimizing the capacity of human body and each cell in the
body for self healing. Stem cell therapy as a new perspective,
save and novel treatment option has demonstrated safety and
clinical efficacy in many chronic medical conditions that are
not curable by the means of chemical drugs. Here we would
like to show our experience with clinical application of stem
cells and other regenerative cells obtained from stromal vascular
fraction (SVF) of adipose tissue. Since 2011, more than
3500 patients were successfully treated by ICCTI. Original optimized
protocol for SVF cell isolation from fat tissue which
leads to high quality of stem cells (CT-SVF-01 or CT-SVF-03)
were used and approved by ICCTI. Mainly orthopedic patients
suffering from degenerative osteoarthritis, degenerative chondropathy,
neurological patients suffering from stroke, multiple
sclerosis, or traumatic brain encephalopathy, patients suffering
from chronic pulmonary diseases such as COPD, idiopathic
pulmonary fibrosis, and chronic asthma, were successfully
treated with autologous SVF cells. No serious side effects, infection
or cancer was associated with SVF cell therapy in the
long-term follow-up of 5+ years. Clinical effects vary broadly
and depend mainly on disease stage, patient age, weight and
patient behavior after the stem cell therapy leading to complete
cure in a significant number of cases. In conclusion, here we
report a novel and promising therapeutic approach to various
range of chronic diseases that is safe, clinically effective, and
relying only on autologous cells.

Author(s): Jaroslav Michalek

Abstract | PDF

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