
Some Traditional Ethno-veterinary Plants of District Pratapgarh, Rajasthan, India

Evolution of human life has directly or indirectly been associated with the influenced by the surrounding environment. Tribes live closely associated with nature and completely dependent on nature for their survival. Because of the rapid changes in the communities all over the worlds, traditional veterinary knowledge is in danger of extinction. Keeping this in mind the field trips conducted in tribal dominated part of the district, with the local medicine men and author enumerates 24 ethno-veterinary plant species of 24 genera and 23 families used by the tribes of Pratapgarh district in Rajasthan. During the study various diseases related to domestic animals affecting different body part such as feet, indigestion, mouth, neck, placenta separation, skin, swelling, tumors, urinary diseases and wounds were observed during the study. Information on the traditional uses of medicinal plants gathered from the tribes with their botanical identity, local name and mode of administration are presented in this paper.

Author(s): K. L. Meena

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