
Simulation and development of counter weight casting

There is renewed interest in sand casting components due to new technological developments and simulation techniques. Several researchers have developed algorithms and softwares to simulate casting process and predict defects such as porosity, blow holes, cracks and cold shuts. The objective of this paper is to obtain defect free counter weight casting (component) by best gating system based on flow simulation. CAD model of one such critical component counter weight is done in ADSTEFAN software where process parameters like weight, type and temperature of the molten metal and no-bake sand are given as input and flow simulations of three iterations of different gating systems to obtain defect free casting are performed. Actual castings for three gating systems are developed and results (defects) are compared. From first principle, the sizes of risers and flow offs are calculated with cross sections being either rectangular/cylindrical/conical shapes.

Author(s): K Koushik, Nataraj J R, Krishna M and Karthik S B

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