
Scaling Data Intensive Application Using Containerization Volunteering Cloud Computing

The Application that is data intensive is costly to implement because it requires high computational power and memory storage. Those applications which are not backed with strong cloud services are not able to handle these types of systems. The research addresses this problem to provide a technique that will reduce the need of dedicated servers to manage this type of cluster cloud. This research will be based on building a volunteer public cloud, in which the architecture is created through shared cluster that will play the role of service provider or a worker processing node. Each shared nodes will perform task according to its assignment without interrupting others. The research proposed a system that uses existing resources which helps them to build a shared cluster that provides computational working and storage capabilities for the implementation of the scalable applications. The users volunteer their devices as a worker node through which a shared cluster is created, it provides scalability and highly availability to the applications to remain effective even when there is a significant increase in the number of resources.

Author(s): Rehmat Ali Sayany and Abdul Aziz

Abstract | PDF

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