
Scalable TeleHealth and Virtual Wards

The ability to transmit valid clinical information from a citizens home to a madical facility - is not novel - and ever since the arrival of wireless technology, more and more medical devices have been made available for home use.

Despite the easy access to such medical devices - we have yet to see Virtual Care become a widely accepted and normal way of providing Healthcare to people.

As people with Chronic diseases are a huge burden for any Healthcare system - One would think it obvious that Virtual Care would a got solutions to reduce the load on the hospitals.

We are seeing more and more people with NCD’s caused by the increasing number of elderly people. In addition, we are also seeing a declining number of Nurses and Doctors who’re available for the Healthcare System.

During the Pandemic, it became abundantly clear, that Virtual Care was NOT available and ALL scrambled to establish Videobased services as a stop-gap measure.

It helps on the distancing issue, but it doesn’t scale well - so there is not much help to find in Video based Consultation.

Author(s): Henrik L. Ibsen

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