
Robotic fish underwater vehicle

Noteworthy part of the Earth is made of water provenience of rivers, lakes, and oceans, most of them still uncharted. Underwater robots have instigated to transform seabed examination, generally providing improved information at an inferior cost. The force system of an underwater robot eventually defines the types of movements and maneuvers it can perform. In the design of propulsion systems, aspects such as energy ingesting, robot hardware, and the effects on the marine environment should be careful. Autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) are robots that navigate based on algorithms and surrounding information. They are armed with multiple progressive sensors to carry out examination, operations of intelligence, and reconnaissance, as well as maritime research and development. AUVs are important for oceanography for exploration and collecting data. There are a variety of vehicles with different sizes, working depth limits, shapes, energy sources, and methods of propulsion; about 155 unique configurations exist which are in dissimilar stages of growth and are being used for scientific, oceanographic, commercial, and military applications.

Author(s): John Lazar

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