
Production, Purification and Characterization of α-Amylase and Alkaline Protease by Bacillus sp. HPE 10 in a concomitant Production Medium

This study evaluated an amylolytic and proteolytic bacterial strain HPE 10 isolated from soil sample. Initial screening process involved a selection medium containing starch and skim milk as substrates. The strain was characterized as Bacillus sp. using Bergey’s manual and 16S rDNA sequence analysis. Various physico-chemical parameters such as pH, temperature, incubation period, and effect of different carbon and nitrogen sources were studied in order to determine the optimum conditions for amylase and protease production by Bacillus sp. Amylase production was influenced by 120 h of incubation, 50°C with initial pH of 6 along with lactose and sodium nitrate. Protease production was influenced after 120 h of incubation, 45°C, pH 9 with glucose and peptone as nutrient sources. The enzymes were purified by column chromatography and molecular weights were determined by SDSPAGE.

Author(s): Mukesh kumar D J*, Andal Priyadharshini D, Suresh K, Saranya GM, Rajendran K and Kalaichelvan PT

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