
Prevalence & Pattern of Ayurveda Beneficiaries Among Indian Military Personals

Use of Ayurveda medicine in military populations and their family remains unclear in our country where Ayurveda practised more and originated. Therefore a study was proposed to find out the prevalence and pattern of Ayurveda medicine use in military personals in Sikkim. Total 607,000 civilian people are in Sikkim and nearly 70,000(seventy thousand) military personals including their family members (Army, ITPB, SSB, BRO and IRB) were in Sikkim. Current study was conducted in Ayurveda Regional Research Institute in Sikkim in between April 2008 to March 2011. The acceptance and popularity of Ayurveda treatment among military personals was gradually increased from 12% (2008-09) to 20% of total OPD attendance in consecutive three years. The diseases that preferred for Ayurveda treatment among the military patients were Musculoskeletal diseases, Acid Peptic Disorder, Erectile disorders, ano-rectal diseases, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Skin diseases and mental diseases. The Study reveals that 26.83% of OPD attended military patients were prefer Ayurveda in all diseases compared to 83.27% military personals prefer Ayurveda in selected disorder. 82.96% of military personals and their family members were very satisfied with the treatment especially in muscular-skeletal disorder where surgery was the treatment of choice in modern medicine. The policy maker should understand the need of Ayurveda in military personals and establish Ayurveda clinic in all military hospital. A population based study for the use of Ayurveda among Indian military personals is recommended to know the actual demand of Ayurveda.

Author(s): Ashok kumar Panda and Jairam Hazra

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