
Prescribing the Future of a Next-Gen Workforce

An aging population, skilled labor shortages, and technology transformation. We often hear of retailers or financial service providers facing these
challenges, yet these are events at the forefront of healthcare today. As the industry trends toward prevention and personalized care for patients,
the healthcare workforce is increasingly facing a mental health strain, a lack of work-life balance, and a physician burnout that is estimated to cost
the U.S. health system $32 billion each year. To thrive in this silver tsunami era, healthcare organizations need to prioritize the well-being of their
people to succeed, as best-in-class care happens when those who do the caring are at their best.
Healthcare is one of the most heavily disrupted industries today. As baby boomers reach their senior years at the pace of 10,000/day, the strain
on the healthcare system is creating more demand for care providers. In the last quarter of 2018, healthcare had become the largest source of
U.S. jobs. Given that the outcome of patient care is inextricably linked to providers, the onus is on organizations to make employee well-being and
engagement as high a priority as patient care – elements that Jarrett will be able to share from his own business’ transformation using technology
to improve the lives of its employees and, ultimately, the quality of patient care.
Jarrett Jedlicka, Vice-President for Healthcare Advisory at Ceridian will deliver a vision for the future that addresses these symptoms leveraging
technology to improve clinical care and reduce costs.

Author(s): Jarret Jedlicka

Abstract | PDF

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