
Optimization Cropping Patterns in Agriculture Wells with Monthly and yearly Water Volume Restrictions: Case Study

Volumetric water delivery is one of the main components of the groundwater balancing plan in IRAN.  The optimal use water, in the volumetric water delivery condition, has requires its particular conditions.  The purpose of this study was to determine optimum cropping patterns in agriculture wells under volumetric water delivery constraints and in accordance with water right licenses in Qazvin plain. The average productivity in the optimum crop pattern with monthly and yearly water allocation has increased by 83.3% and 100.4%, respectively, compared to the formal crop pattern. Also, the average net benefit in the optimum crop pattern with monthly constraints has declined by 1.9%, and the optimum crop pattern with yearly water allocation has increased by 72.7% compared to the formal crop pattern in water licenses. The average water use in the optimum cropping pattern with monthly and yearly water allocation has declined by 49.2% and 15.5%, respectively. The results showed that the approved crop pattern in the water licenses of agricultural wells requires a considerable revision and it does not conform to volumetric water delivery conditions. Also, by comparing the optimum crop pattern with monthly and yearly water allocation for conserving groundwater balance, annually water allocation can be recommended.

Author(s): Samane Ehsani Kolikand, Bijan Nazari, Hadi Ramezani Etedali and Abbas Sotodehnia

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