
Nursing & Healthcare Congress 2019: Nursing care in patients with apendectomy - Esat Qovanaj

In the work are researched knowledge of nurses and nursing application in the treatment of patient’s pre and post operative appendectomy in order to identify gaps in their work with these patients as an important factor in the improvement of quality of health services At the same time the purpose of this work to achieve the activities which will use different methods depending on the results of research from the field. Methodology - approach was quantitative, data collection was done with the help of structured questionnaires with open questions and closed. The number of participants in the survey was thirty (n = 30). Target groups were nurses and surgical intensive care unit of a regional hospital in Prizren and surgical ward of the regional hospital in Djakova. Results and discussion - the dominant age of participants was 31-40 years in research with 11 participants or 36%, it was the dominant sex females with 17 participants or 57%, work experience of participants was dominated by 3-10 years with 10 or 33%, and education level of participants was dominated by high school participants with 27 or 90%. After analyzing the data confirm that the knowledge of the participants were significantly related to age when most often appear appendix, appendicitis symptoms, examinations should be done for the diagnosis of appendicitis, finding nursing diagnosis and care for appendicitis before and after surgery appendicitis. Difficulties of participants, we note on the formulation of nursing diagnosis for appendicitis. Most of the 22 participants (73%) declared that hold counseling sessions and favorite themes were for personal hygiene, food and the environment, and 8 (27%) participants stated that do not hold sessions. Throughout the 21st century, the role of the nurse had evolved significantly. Nurses work in a variety of settings, including hospital, classroom, community health department, business sector, home health care, and the laboratory. Although each role carries different responsibilities, the primary goal of a professional nurse remains the same: to be client's advocate and provide optimal care based on evidence obtained through research. Connected Healthcare new technology that is changing the healthcare service and making easier to get health service for people. Connected Healthcare market is projected to be worth £37 billion globally and £1.9 billion in the UK by 2020, according to new PwC analysis. There was 3.5 million employed nurses in 2011, about 3.2 million of whom were female and 330,000 males.  Of employed nurses, 78 percent are registered nurses, 19 percent are licensed practical and licensed vocational nurses, 3 percent are nurse practitioners, and 1 percent are nurse anesthetists. Men’s representation among registered nurses and licensed practical and licensed vocational nurses increased. About 2.7 percent of registered nurses are men in 1970 compared with 9.6 percent in 2011. Men’s representation among licensed practical and licensed vocational nurses grew from 3.9 percent in 1970 to 8.1 percent in 2011. The Nurse Practitioners is legitimately affected by the exploration directed with solution patients being worked dependent on discoveries from the investigation of life sciences. Clinical preliminaries are led to guarantee that items being created are treated on how well they deal with people influenced by the disease or conditions they are made to treat. The worldwide market for contract Nurses and Nurse Practitioners, research and bundling summerized $250.5 billion in 2018 and is anticipated to approach $360.8 billion by 2020, enlisting a compound yearly development rate (CAGR) of 7.8% through 2020. Hospitals and Associations have generally financed their internal R&D endeavours absolutely all alone by contributing 20% or more noteworthy measure of their top line livelihoods to pay for these endeavours. The R&D Funding Forecast observes that there is a procedure with move in where Research hypotheses are being made, with less in U.S. likewise, Europe and more in Asian countries. The U.S. only speaks actually 33% of overall spending, while Europe's 35 countries represents under 20% and Asian countries represents about 40%, an example that has continued for up to five years. The arrangement of high-quality, affordable, human health care services is quite difficult task. Because of the complexities of medicinal services, researching and translating the utilization, costs, quality, availability, conveyance,  organization, financing, and results of health care services is key to inform government authorities, insurance, providers, customers, and others about making decisions about health care related issues. Health services researchers examine access to care, health care costs and processes, and the outcomes of health services for individuals and populations. Worldwide Health Care spending is anticipated to rise at a yearly pace of 4.1% in 2017-2021, up from only 1.3% in 2012-2016. Aging and increasing population, creating market extension, progresses in medicinal treatments, and rising labour costs will drive spending development. Per-person health care services spending will keep on varying, ranging from $11,356 in the United States to only $53 in Pakistan in 2021. Health care is proceeding with its change from fee-for-services (FFS) repayment to Objective and Value-based payments models. In recent time there's accumulated interest of nursing care to support the people of older age. Rising concern for higher guide and expanding predominance of regular illnesses like polygenic issue and malignant growth zone, some of the key elements driving the development of the overall Medical Care Market. Moreover, expanding Nursing care mindfulness and future consideration framework also fuelling the development of the overall restorative consideration Market. Not with standing, absence of reimbursements of Nursing Care and significant expense of help is controlling the development of the overall Nursing care market. Moreover, absence of master experts is furthermore controlling the overall Nursing care market.

Presenting author details
Full name: Esat Qovanaj
Contact number:+383 44 391 294
Twitter account:
Linked In account: /in/esat-qovanaj-712326aa/

Session name/ number: Track2:  Clinical Nursing Research , Clinical Nursing Practice
Category: (Oral presentation/ Poster presentation)

Author(s): Esat Qovanaj

Abstract | PDF

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