ISSN : 0976 - 8688

Der Pharmacia Sinica


Nanosizing of drugs: A promising approach for drug delivery

Research interest and revolution in materials science has been creating considerable interest in the area of drug delivery systems using particulate systems as carrier for small and large molecules. In many cases, it is now possible to manipulate atoms and molecules within materials one at a time and therefore, to construct materials with nanometre-scale precision. This new capability in materials science is called nanotechnology. Particulate systems like nanoparticles have been used as a physical approach to alter and improve the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamic properties of various types of drug molecules.The potential intersection between nanotechnology and the biological sciences is vast. Biological function depends heavily on units that have nanoscale dimensions, such as viruses, ribosome, molecular motors and components of the extra cellular matrix. In addition, engineered devices at the nanoscale are small enough to interact directly with sub-cellular compartments and to probe intracellular events. Particulate systems like nanoparticles have been used as a physical approach to alter and improve the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of various types of drug molecules. They have been used in vivo to protect the drug entity in the systemic circulation, restrict access of the drug to the chosen sites and to deliver the drug at a controlled and sustained rate to the site of action. Various polymers have been used in the formulation of nanoparticles aiming to increase the therapeutic benefit through drug delivery research, while minimizing side effects. Here, we review various aspects of nanoparticles with their history, formulation, characterization, effect of their characteristics and their applications in delivery of drug molecules.

Author(s): Behera A.L, Patil S.V. , Sahoo S. K. and Sahoo S. K

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